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Some rules questions


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Hello Brothers


After some battles, some questions:


-do the assault squads in a White Scars army add +1 to hammer of wrhat? is that only for bikes?


-If a bike squad moves, the saving throw is 4+?


-If a bike squad moves the maximun distance possible, the saving throw is....?


-BTW, whats is the maximun distance for a bike squad to move?


-What is the maximun movement allowed if we want to fire and charge?


-how many dice rolls a bike squad to charge? do we have a re roll?


-how many attacks have a regular biker? (a friend says that we have two, and I hope he is right!)


Thanks in advance for your help and answers

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Hey mate. In answer to your questions:


Only models with the bike special rule get the boosted Hammer hit


The saving throw is 4+ for their jink cover save (Normally 5+ but +1 for the trait). I think it is 3+ if they turbo boost but i'm not near my rulebook so I don't know for sure.


Bikes can move 12" normally plus a 12" turbo move if they don't shoot


If you want to fire and charge it is 12" move, then 2D6 for charge range


A biker has 1 attack + 1 on the charge +1 auto hit for the Hammer of wrath (So each biker gets 3 attacks on the charge, then 1 after)



Hope this helps!

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