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Typhus or Generic Lord


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Hey guys,


I'm have a small iron warrior army, but i recently picked up some Legion breacher models, and tend to 40k-fy them and was thinking on running them as Plague marines, to represent the shields.


Now, i had 2 questions, and they are pretty much related. Shall i run Typhus, or a generic Lord of Nurgle? Typhus would get a terminator bodyguard and then deepstrike. Generic Lord with Black Mace, SoC, and then with the plague marines in a landraider.


But my real question is, are Zombies worth it? How good are they really? I tried to find some batreps trough google, but most batreps neglect to mention how they performed. I'm not really sure yet, wether i run zombies as zombies, or corrupted servitors, as i need to find suitable models, for a good price (cuz if you need 70 models....) 


Thanks in advance

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if you want to take typhus then you want three things


1) a tough warlord that is unlikely to give up a killpoint (albeit one whose trait your not after)

2) access to zombies

3) something almost as choppy as abbadon who also has a good chance of getting some very nice shooting


If you want to run typhus then you need to maximize his potential by building a list that uses all three of these otherwise your generally better off taking a generic lord.


of course typhus is the only "deathguard" HQ in the book so there is that.

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I'm not concerned with the nurgle stuff. I will count as him heavily into some Iron Warrior overlord. The main reason to take a nurgle lord, is for a unit of plague marines to be troops (as i want to use the breacher squad). The bonus of typhus is that he kills a lot, but is also a psyker to boot, which can be potentially nice on him. I dont think i will run zombies, as i just cant find a cheap alternative for servitor models, and i just dont know how to count as zombies otherwise.

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Well in that case I'd recommend a regular lord, while being a lvl2 psyker is nice, marked chaos sorcs are just morly naff due to the ridiculous must take power x rules, typhus must take both his powers from nurgle and the nurgle powers are meh at best, its a bat version of enfeeble (that usually just helps the opponent) a terrible nova, a meh malediction (most people don't care about overheat, or a good but very short range nuke


to me it sounds like you want a lord as that way you can kit him out for a very specific role.

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The dp + sorcy means you dont have pm as troops.


Which is also why i dont consider them. Things are costy as it is.


I have already decided i will ally in guard, and use them as slave soldiers (as i have iron warriors with count as rules. They're not really dedicated to nurgle). I also love a sorcerer, but dont want 2 hq. Which is why i consodered typhus.


Altough... the walkong dead series give a whole lot of inspiration

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In my experience, a nurgle marked lord on a bike with a power fist/lightning claw and sigil of corruption is almost certain to make it's points back twice over. Though it does more or less force an escort squad of either nurgle bikers or nurgle spawn, those are some of the best options in the codex, so it warrants no complaint from me.

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