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My first army, the mighty Imperial Guard! Thoughts?


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Hey there guys so I recently got back in 40k and bought an IG army all second hand (saved about 380 bucks!) with an idea of what i wanted and this is what I ended up with, please comment and give me an idea of if what i'm doing is decent. Thanks heaps fellas! 

CCS 1 vox caster, 1 standard banner, 2 plasma guns

One kasrkin squad with 2 grenade launchers

2 PSC one with 4 flamers and a powerfist, one with 4 snipers

6 squads of infantry each with vox caster, grenade launcher and autocannon.

x2 veteran squads each with 3 meltaguns and each fitted in a chimera

Fast Attack
Armoured sentinal with plasma cannon, hunter killer missile and searchlight

Heavey Support
1 leman russ with battle cannon 2 heavy bolters and lascannon
1 demolisher with 2 heavy bolters and lascannon
1 executioner (i think, the one with the plasma cannon turret anyway) with 2 plasma cannon side sponsons and lascannon

I am yet to purchase the demolisher and executioner but i think these 2 tanks will complete my army and all of that comes to a total of 1850 points!
Any suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated, this is my first time using the forum and first time posting so i look forward to your feedback! Cheers guys! PoonDoctor out.


If you recently got back in then have you seen the new rules for vehicles? If not, here's some tips for how you're equipping them: 


Gets Hot! now affects vehicles, so the plasma cannons on the Executioner and Sentinel stand a chance of shaving Hull Points off those vehicles. However, the Executioner's turret mounted plasma weapon does not have Gets Hot!, so the tank itself is still good. Consider changing or omitting the sponsons there, unless you want to risk it.


Also, a single Sentinel seems like it won't last very long on the table. Not sure what you want to use it for, but my gut feeling is that it'll get killed too quickly to be much use on its own.


Leman Russes no longer have Lumbering Behemoth, instead they are now all Heavy vehicles. This means they cannot go faster than Combat Speed (they used to be able to move 6 + D6 inches for CS) and firing a turret mounted Ordnance weapon reduces all other weapons fired in the same turn to BS 1. This means that LRBTs and Demolishers don't work well with any weapon upgrades. The upside, though, is that all other variants of the Russ can move up to 6" and fire as many weapons as they've got. If you want the sponsons, consider changing the LRBT to an Exterminator. Same price, but plays nicely with the extra dakka. The Demolisher I'd say either drop the sponsons and lascannon upgrades or change the base tank to something else.


As an army wide note, I'd personally say your list looks a little light on anti-horde weaponry. All that plasma you've currently got (plus the snipers and meltas) will cut down heavy infantry nicely, but lots of cheap models might be problem. Then again, I haven't played much myself, so others might have better advice there.

Now im thinking drop the sentinal and get a squad of heavy bolters and replace the two plasma guns in the CCS with a heavy bolter. ill definitely think about picking up an exterminator and i still love the idea of a demolisher, no side sponsons, no worries!

Haha would be awesome man! but nah i haven't really at all that is not a bad idea maybe drop one of my tanks for a col or medusa. i love the idea of a hammer and anvil army, deadly infantry backed up by deadly tanks, nice and balanced

Welcome to the Guard! :D Your army is a good foundation, you've got a lot of what you'll be needing so with regards to infantry some additional upgrade choices would be best to give you some flexibility when devising lists.


Tankie is spot on with his assessment, Sentinels are social creatures and get terribly lonely without friends. They're also very charitable souls and prefer you spend your points on other, more needy units. Keep them cheap and they will do good for you, especially moving in support of infantry pushes.


Heavy weapon squads are great, especially the dirt cheap mortar squad that will lob their way into your heart so I'd recommend looking at them. Also the Eradicator is a nasty piece of work for removing all but heavy infantry from anywhere - I've found it does a great job of clearing the way for my infantry to take ground without trouble.


In the Guard there's always a weapon to solve every problem. Failing that, just apply more weapon until the problem goes away :lol:

Oh man thank you so much dude! sick i think i will drop sentinal and grab some mortars, re arrange my tanks so i can have some artillery in there then i can grab some MORE mortars and i will be set! shot for the comment =)


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