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Sons of Orar Sternguard, Crimson Fists Tacticals [close ups]


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Hey all,

I bought a box of the new Tacticals and Sternguard and had some fun with different chapters. I'll be painting several Marines from a bunch of different chapters. Here are the first of them!





I posted these guys on reddit last week and someone asked how I painted the highlights (and other misc. stuff), so here's what I said:

**Priming** -- Prime white, or off-white in this case (Vallejo Grey Primer) -- get a nice, thin, smooth coat (so important -- why did it take me so long to start right?).
**Basecoating** -- Vallejo Model Air Scarlet Red (it's a very basic red -- most comparable to Mephiston Red in the GW range, a little brighter, and much thinner), basecoat the whole miniature
**Washing** -- Wash with a black wash. The GW wash may make the model much darker than the wash I use, but it's the same idea, GW's is just more filmy. I use my own (more inky) version of this: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/261541.page
**Highlighting** -- I honestly cannot remember if I used white, or a tan color for the edge highlights (I started these guys quite a while ago). I usually use an orangish-tan for red highlights on my Blood Angels, however, the next step (glazing) renders this a little less important. Make sure the edge highlights are properly thinned and controlled -- it takes patience, practice, and a well cared for brush, but the result is worth it
* **Correcting, glazing** -- Go over the edge highlights with the same basecoat color (Scarlet Red or Mephiston red), heavily watered down so that you are glazing over the edge highlights. This eases the transition and makes the highlights look very natural! Instead of water I use an acrylic glazing medium if I really want it subtle. You can also correct any highlighting mistakes in the last step by just layering over the mistake with many glaze coats (they dry pretty fast)
**Varnish** -- I mix Satin Varnish with Gloss about equal parts. Varnishing always makes my models look so much more finished after I do all the painting, and it really doesn't look "right" until I do so, so I'm including it as a step here biggrin.png
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I hope the person who sculpted these minis gets a chance to see what you have done with them as they are so beautiful. I can't wait to see which other chapters you choose to paint (fingers crossed for a Scythes of the Emperor marine!)  as these are some of my favourite marines ever. Muchos kudos mon frere

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LOL, ageis


Thanks Ratboy -- that's an incredible complement! I agree these models are really great, even if I do hate the Sternguard's tabards.


Believe it or not, my photo setup is incredibly rudimentary (though pretty original). The main components are sheets of styrofoam from a hardware store, black poster board, and a 10 year old DSLR.

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Anaziel: Thanks! Yeah, the pure white matched with that red drew me to the Sons after checking out the old "How To Paint Space Marines" book.


chaplainmikey: The blue was funny -- I primed them white, then sprayed them with Vallejo Model Air Blue. I wasn't sure what the blue was going to look like since I hadn't used that paint before, but it turns out it's almost exactly the same as Regal Blue, or the new Kantor Blue. The rest of the steps are outlined in my list of steps underneath the photos. But instead of red or tan, I did edge highlights in a very light blue color (just add white to a blue), and then I went back over those edge highlights with really watered down Kantor Blue again. That softens up the edge highlights so that they look more natural. There is much less stress when highlighting this way as you can always go back and fix mistakes with the last stage of Kantor Blue. 

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Jeremy1391: lol, yeah well that's half the fun. Maybe 3/4ths.


Darth Potato: I made a post on the /r/warhammer subreddit of reddit.com taking any suggestions. Right now I'm working on fleshing out the popular chapters: Iron Hands, Raven Guard. And I just primed a Raptor and a Salamanders Sternguard with H. Flamer (he is going to look badass).

Others on the list: Iron Snakes, Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Black Templars, Howling Griffons, and some others that I don't want to think about yet.


Anaziel: I've got to read up on Fire Hawks. I do like their scheme. I thought you were talking about Fire Lords at first (of which I wanted to make a force of with a bunch of Whirlwinds, just for fun).

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