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Sons of horus after the heresy?


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Before anyone slaps me with the fluff...I know the SoH were renamed the the black legion BUT wouldn't it be possible that a splinter group broke off of the legion, because they blamed abaddon for horus's death? So the split off and retain their SoH colors etc? They don't worship the powers but they realize they are a tool to be used...
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I don't see why it wouldn't have been possible, The legions during the heresy where huge and who's to say everyone followed exactly everyone and that all the loyalists where killed.

Or that some realized the grave mistake made during the Great Scouring and fled trying to seek solace or even forgiveness for the mistake?

The lore has enough holes for you to swing it however you want bar killing some super important Character ahaha. teehee.gif

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Entirely possible. The scouring meant that the legions were hounded and pursued across the galaxy; who knows how many companies, chapters etc were lost, abandoned; isolated on some forgotten battlefield? As Jeske points out, the Black Legion supplement provides exam ples of exactly this: Sons of Horus that are still loyal to the memory of Horus and regard Abaddon as a usurper to his name.

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Before anyone slaps me with the fluff...I know the SoH were renamed the the black legion BUT wouldn't it be possible that a splinter group broke off of the legion, because they blamed abaddon for horus's death? So the split off and retain their SoH colors etc? They don't worship the powers but they realize they are a tool to be used...

Only the SoH who were with Abaddon were renamed the Black Legion. msn-wink.gif

But yeah, anything is possible. Especially in those days when the Sons of Horus were constantly being broken and destroyed, a random splinter wouldn't be too unfeasible.

I mean, you could go with the Sons of the Eyes, but it looks like they ended up getting absorbed into the Black Legion after the 6th Crusade.

But as Devolver said, there are more than enough holes in the fluff.

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Actually, all of the Sons of Horus who were sulking at the Legion's main stronghold in the Eye after losing Horus's corpse to the Emperor's Children when Abaddon showed up after his walk about were either killed or incorporated into the Black Legion.  The Sons of Horus who weren't are those who got sick of the defeatist attitude, rounded up their own personal bands of followers, and left before Abaddon showed up to kick those who remained off their arses.

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I based my chaos warband off of this concept.

It sounds like once the traitor legions were driven into the eye of terror they fought amoungst themselves. By this point the Sons of Horus were very demoralized and beaten up. Also the other legions blamed them for their defeat. They were so close to overthrowing the emperor. If Horus hadn't lowered the shields of his ship they probably would have won.

The Son's of Horus were pathetic at this point. They sat around worshiping Horuses corpe, without leadership, of course until Abbadon stepped in. Why did he wait for things to get that bad before he stepped up?

My army broke off from the legion at this point. They formed a warband called Horuses Vengeance. They vowed vengeance against the Emperor and his forces. They also vowed to take vengeance on the other traitor legions for turning on them in the end. A very chaosy thing, death to everyone!

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As said there.  The Black Legion supplement say that there the Thrice Curse



Wolves of Horus



Sons of the Eye   



True Sons



There the main once from the Black Legion supplment, but you can always have your own as well :D


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I think I am going to do a true sons army....what does everyone think about their armor at this point would it be mainly MK IV or MK V? I wonder if the armor would be adorned with chaos symbols at this point?
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