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Drop pad gates


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Hey guys. I'm thinking about a trick, that drop some DPs at some critical firing positions so fliers can't be placed there not turning into hover mode, and if it work or not depends on if drop pad gates are "parts of my model".

Sounds stupid, but if they are "parts of my model", I can deny opponent placing fliers there. But if they are not, I'd better forget it!


And, do I have to open the gates after they arrive? There's no rule say I must! And can I open and close it like Rhino back doors?

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There's been multiple topics on this.  They're all can's of worms.


If the doors are part of the hull, you can disembark from the tips, melta and assault ranges are measured from them, and you need to have them down to impact deep strike footprints.


If they're not, you ignore them as decorative elements.

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I tend to be of the philosophy that you need to disregard them, the game becomes a bit too cumbersome if that ENTIRE footprint needs to be clear. 


My view is this.

Interpretation 1, the doors are decorative.

You use the closed profile of the drop pod to determine where it can and cannot land

you use the closed profile to determine how far you can deploy the unit inside

you use the closed profile to determine when other units are overlapping it and therefore in violation.

you use the closed profile to determine line of sight to it and firing range.


Interpretation 2, the doors are hull

You use the open profile when determining where it can land (GREATLY restricted as a result)

you use the open profile to determine deployment range of the contents.  (GREATLY increased)

you use the open profile to determine when other units are overlapping it and therefore in violation.

you use the open profile for determining range when firing at it and line of sight to it.


I find interpretation 1 to be much more reasonable.

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As people have said already there are lots of debates on this. There is no RAW answer that is satisfactory to all, but most would suggest not to use the doors as part of the model, because it does bring up so many weird scenarios if you do.

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First, sorry for not checking threads before launching this one.

Second, I do believe the spirit of game most of the time, but I don't care about it if terribly trolled in a serious game. Thank you for letting me know there's no rule restricting me from claiming this, and that's all I care. Love you all.

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First, sorry for not checking threads before launching this one.

Second, I do believe the spirit of game most of the time, but I don't care about it if terribly trolled in a serious game. Thank you for letting me know there's no rule restricting me from claiming this, and that's all I care. Love you all.


There is no rule restricting you for using the doors are part of the physical drop pod, but then for all rules that are applied to the drop pod you will need to count the doors the same way. Meaning your drop pods will have a much harder time fitting on the table. He could also just refuse to play the game considering you are going against what is accepted as the way the doors work just to counter flyers. Nothing I've seen says the doors are never counted as part of the footprint so you could do it, but it's most certainly not a 'friendly' game anymore.

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I know at least nothing can stop on another model. It is he should find something allow him to do that.

OK, so where are the rules saying the doors are part of the hull? 


Serioulsy, this has gone around a long time.  The only way to play it is to agree with your opponent before the game how you will play them.  If they are part of the hull you have place the model with doors open where none of the hull is off the table, within 1" of an enemy model, all that jazz. You might not have to open all doors but any door not opened to place the model can not be opened later; it is part of the hull from then on.  Might ... depending on how your group agrees on the issue. Most places that say doors are hull require all doors to be opened for deployment.  If the Hull does not fit, it can not be placed.


If they are not part of the hull then the doors are decorations.  It does not matter if they are up or down, model placement is easier but they do not block LoS or obscure what is behind them.


If you are wanting to spring this on your opponent in the middle of the game, all I can say is I hope you were not planning on playing that opponent again at a later time.


There is no RAW either way.  There is nothing you can point to and claim it has to be played that way.  Just Google up "drop pod doors" and you will find plenty of these discussions.  The only thing you can do is agree before the game how it will be played.

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The Adepticon FAQ provides at least a fairly well adjudicated response. The doors count for nothing. Measure everything from the hull.


Until forgeworld rewrites their advanced drop pod rules...go with what you have.

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Door as part of the hull or not I don't care, not trying to gain any advantage from that I am, but that doors are parts of my model right?

Can you stop a flier on a marine's head?


Wow, I was too annoyed and mad. Sorry if anyone feel offended.

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I know... my poor Wraithguard and their inability to shoot due to a lacking of eyeballs.... the poor dead punks....


In any case unless the OP has further questions on the subject I think this thread is done.

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