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Clear 40k bases

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Hail Brothers and Sisters,


As I have started to plan out my Astral Claws Cohort and will start it when the new IG 'dex is out so I can get it working with the codex and Tyrant's Legion list if needs be I was wondering if anyone knew of a company that does clear bases the same sizes as GWs. I mainly want to do this for two reasons, it will save time for me doing the bases which, apart from making them muddy, I can't do, also it would prevent models with muddy bases looking a bit stupid in the middle of a street.


The only sizes I would need would be 25mm, 40mm and the biker bases and just wondered if anyone knew of a company that did them (preferable in the UK to save money, but don't mind going oversees if needs be).



Thanks in advance,


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There is a user here named twopounder that once posted some images of clear bases. There are also a couple of companies, Litko and Fenris Games to be found by searching for "clear acrylic miniatures bases" on the Net. That's about as far as I went, but you may be able to find some more.

Thanks for the help, guys.


The reason I don't really want to make my own is because I don't have the talent nor the pacience to do so.


But I think that these from Fenris Games would be best for standard models and these for larger models (like termies). Would I be correct in my thinking?


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