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Despite never really playing the Dawn of War games, I've always loved the Blood Ravens chapter. The aesthetics of the dark crimson and bone pauldron fields always attracted me and as I read up on the increasingly none secret backstory I fell in love. After toying with a few chapters, I'm having a stabat getting a full company of Ravens together, and they say every journey starts with a single step, so here's the first half of the first tactical squad.


I wanted to highlight blood ravens reverence for ancient technology, their habit of 'borrowing' stuff from other chapters and the obsessive-space-archaeologist vibe they have going on so have used a mix of lots of different armour marks. The look I'm going for is one where every marine i nthe company has a personalised suit of armour, made from compnoents they themselves have discovered whilst on digs throughout the galaxy (this should be driven home when they make it to a battle brothers event with a friends ad mech army in tow)





and a few close ups







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Thanks Brothers. I take your point on the boarding shield. Hopefully it will look less out of plaec when more of this squad (and more squads) are completed as there are a lot more of them to go into the mix. For those asking, the red recipe is as follows:


The red was a lot of trial and error but in the end the method I used was:

-undercoat chaos black
-spray basecaot Army Painter Gun Metal
-Zenithal Spray basecoat Army Painter Platemail (only spray from above to add natural shadow and highlight to the underpainting stage)
-Extreme Highlight Vallejo Air Aluminium
-wash Carroburg Crimson straight from the pot. Keep a dry brush on hand to blot and pools which aren't just shadows
-wash carroburg again
-was carroburg for a third time
-Glaze Bloodletter:Vallejo gaze medium 1:1
-Glaze with above mixture again
-pin wash the depest recesses and face details with drakenhof blue to push the shadows a little darker
-final extreme highlight with army painter platemail. this is to simulate chipping so can be on any area which would experience wear, but does a good job of pushing the edge highlighting back towards the extreme to drfine the edges of armour panels etc


Hope this helps someone!



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Those look fantastic. Crisp, clean, vibrant colors.


What kits did you make those out of? I see some MK III pieces, and the boarding shield and flamer. Is everything else from the new Tactical Squad kit?

Thanks, there's nothing from the new tactical squad kit in there though, mostly stuff from my bits box (when you start and abandon as many SM chapters as me you start to build armour collections!)


There are parts from:

- the older tactical squad

- FW MkIII armour

- FW legion MKIII armour

- FW mkIV armour

- FW boarding kit

- New stern guard kit

- SM vehicle accessory sprue


I think that's all of them!




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Very nice work. Very strange way to paint them but yeah trial and error. When I highlighted mine I didn't like the fact they were coming out looking neon. So instead of using a brighter red, I went with either an orange or adding a cream color to the base color. Like either bubonic brown or repears cream/bone line. Worked well. Keep up the good work.
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