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converting grotesque bare heads

jumping goat

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In the near future I am going to start a Fabius bile army with many noise marines, Enhanced warriors  and chaos apothecaries.

Rather than the sleek, smooth and sexy slaanesh theme I want my marines to look horrific, warped and just plane disturbing. 

I'm thinking of a Hellraiser meets frankenstein kind of theme.


I have seen plenty of excellent artwork of slaanesh marines with mouths stretched so wide they begin to tear with big black psychotic looking eyes. 

I also love artwork of chaos marine heads that look as though they have been so heavily modified they barely look human like the enhanced warrior head in the fabius bile picture on page  63 of the chaos codex.


Has anyone converted marine heads to look like this? I would love to see some photos

Has anyone got some good ideas of heads I should start with to try and convert?


Any replies will be much appreciated

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A nice subtle change is from the FW Kakophni http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/EMPEROR%27S_CHILDREN_LEGION_KAKOPHONI.html

check out the sloughing and merging on the helmetless heads in the unpainted previews.

Giutarasmus http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281476-heavily-converted-slaanesh-skirmish-warband/

and Zsouless http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/278042-building-noise-marines-wip/
have some very well converted slaanesh marines, emphasing the disturbing and 'just wrong' look you seem to be going for.
There is also http://forofreakfactory.mforos.com/1036885/6731822-slaanesh-40k-a-peticion-de-lord-saeril/ for some historical slaanesh models and conversions

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A nice subtle change is from the FW Kakophni http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/EMPEROR%27S_CHILDREN_LEGION_KAKOPHONI.html

check out the sloughing and merging on the helmetless heads in the unpainted previews.

Giutarasmus http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281476-heavily-converted-slaanesh-skirmish-warband/

and Zsouless http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/278042-building-noise-marines-wip/

have some very well converted slaanesh marines, emphasing the disturbing and 'just wrong' look you seem to be going for.

There is also http://forofreakfactory.mforos.com/1036885/6731822-slaanesh-40k-a-peticion-de-lord-saeril/ for some historical slaanesh models and conversions

The Kakophoni are ace. I bought a pack and will use three of them as blastmasters and the other two will be swordsmen for my CCW squad.

Giutarasmus' work is very unique. I really like what he has done with each mini. I also love Zsouless' Blastmaster. His GS work has me drooling. I also wish I had seen his thread before I made my army, I want to copy how he did the backpacks. It seems like a simple conversion with a great look for noisy astartes.

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I know there's a great Slaaneshi head in the plastic WoC chariot kit, worth snagging from a friend or bits shop. The HellStriders kit has a bunch of bare heads too; that kit is choc full of bits for conversions TBH

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The Kakophoni are amazing (working on them now). Otherwise it's all GS work really. I'm thinking of trying some too. And some more Hellrazer type flayed skin stuff. If I finally get round to it. Don't forget to post if you come up with something.
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