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Q1:"Feel no pain"........ q2:"within x inches"


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Hi all, 2 questions.


What ignores fnp? Would a weapon that is twice the strenght of a dude's toughness count as being instant death, and thus ignore fnp?


For things like icons, it says within 6 inches. I remember in the old brb, for disembarking, the diagram showed marines with the very edge of their base touching a 2 inch bubble, and the rest of the base outside. Does this mean withing is "touching with any part of the base, or within"?

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Anything that causes Instant Death disallows Feel no Pain.  This includes the Force and Instant Death special rules and all attacks with a strength double the toughness of the target.


Within X" means 'so long as any part of the models base is within X" ' for most purposes.

- There is an exception, and that is when it states that a models base must wholly be within a certain distance (for example, disembarking in 6th edition).

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GM - I've always thought of those as:


'A unit with at least one model within X" of a model with Y...'


As that is a less vague wording (and one I wish GW would use more often, as it would simplify a lot of the "within X" rules, thus making gameplay faster).

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