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Shade of decay


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I have hit a lack of inspiration and motivation for my chaos army.  I love nurgle and everything but sadly I am getting sick of my army.  The major problem is the color scheme, its green and bronze.  My salamander are green, and I can not paint another green marine. My salamander are my personal army and will not be painted.  I think its time for a new color scheme.  My plague marine are internal infect with plague and decay, not busting at the seems.  I am not a fan of white armor.  thoughts for a new nurgle color scheme? 


Here some pic of them currently



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I think the Apostle of contagion is the scheme i will go for.  My question is should i swap out the red detail(vein,wire, symbols, and eye color) for a scorpion green, or sybarite free, or a pure white.  thoughts?  The skin is rotting flesh with two washes btw.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cleaved or why not try iron oxide (real rust) paint? I used it on some of my trims


I've also seen a few nurgle armies that are sand coloured with heavy chipping and weathering including oil leaking from all the joints.

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The release of Nihilakh Oxide gave me a new idea for some underwater/bioshock themed army lately.  Once i get my hands on a few pots, i will try a scheme like this ship metal.  thoughts


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