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Opinion on which Chaos Legion ally?


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Ok, somewhere along the line I ended up assembling / painting both:


1. An Emperor's Children detachment, Mark of Slaanesh, Noise Marines, other mostly CC stuff


2. A Death Guard detachment, Mark of Nurgle, Plague Marines, mostly heavy wrap. stuff


Question is, as I get to assembling and painting non-denominational vehicles like Rhinos, Predators, Dinobots and Hellchickens, which I may want to use with either of my detachments;


Should I paint them EC, DG, a non specific neutral color or a specific 3rd Legion like Irons?


Just looking for opinions that make sense fluff wise.

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Well, clearly the obvious answer is to paint them all black.  All of them.  Black black black.  Black like my Legion, Black like my Soul.



Otherwise, you could paint non-denominational stuff in a unique or neutral scheme representing the forces of a particular dark mech forge hired by one or both factions.  Or you could paint the neutral stuff as death guard, since the death guard are a more coherent legion at this point, while emperor's children war bands are more broken up and dispersed, so children working for death guard seems more likely to me than vice versa.




But really, though, yeah.  Black is what you're looking for here.

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grey , grey like muh plastic models.



But jokes aside , as long as you don't make DG green/brown and EC pink , it should work . Try to keep them distinct , but have a all round army feel the same .Armor trims , weapons in simiular colors . Again not the same , but if your bolters on DG are roten red , then make the EC weapons red too . If DG rhinos have nurglings on them , put netts on the EC rhinos[out of the hatchs for example] .

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Simple solution is either don't put a legion/chapter marking on any of them or put the same one on them all.

Nurgle marines are likely to still be in the original colour with lots of grime and nasty stuff. As for Slaanesh marines...I wouldn't want to tell them that they can't change the colour of their gear to their own liking. That way leads to all sorts of wrongness.


Basically...it's your army and no one can say you're wrong for having green Death Guard and pink Noise marines in the same force.

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