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trying my own fandex


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Ok, so as with most of us I'm not completely thrilled with our newest codex. Don't get me wrong, I like it better that the 4ed, but it could be more. I've read the complaints and suggestions and have thought on it. After my last game in which my Ksons just held the table down I decided to try my hand at an improvement.


I'm not working in any particular order of FoC, just picking a unit and hammering away. Settling on appropriate points is difficult right now, need to play test...


Ok, what do you think:


Thousand Sons-

Same points currently. Squad size 5-20, with option to add second sorcerer at 20 models. Stats to remain the same except the Rubrics are Initiative 3 and leadership 9, the sorcerers are leadership 10.


Wargear: Power armor, Mark of Tzeentch, Aura or dark glory, Inferno Bolts

Sorcerer- Force weapon (sword, axe or staff), bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades

Rubrics- Bolter, close combat weapon


Special rules: 4+ invulnerable save, fearless

Sorcerer only- Mastery Level 1, veterans of the long war, champion of chaos

The Sorcerer Commands- as long as a psyker with the Mark of Tzeentch is with the unit all models with the Rubric special rule may act as normal.


The Rubric- any non psyker Thousand Son model has the Slow and Purposeful rule.

The Ties that Bind: any time a psyker with the Mark of Tzeentch suffers perils of the warp he may attempt a special 'look out sir!' save. If successful the closest model with the Rubric rule is removed with no saves of any kind or It Will Not Die allowed.

Inferno Bolts- all bolt pistols, Bolters, and combi Bolters are ap3


Wargear options:

Sorcerer- may add melta bombs for 5 points

May purchase another mastery level for +20 points(?)


The unit may replace power armor, bolters, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades and aura of dark glory for terminator armor, combi Bolter, close combat weapons and force weapon for the sorcerer for +12 points per model (debating cost)


One model may carry an Icon for 5 points which acts as a homing beacon. In addition it may be upgraded to either the icon of flame or icon of binding for 15 points.


Icon of Flame: the sorcerer may expend a warp charge to power the icon for one shooting phase. All weapons affected by the Inferno bolts rule use the following stat line instead: str 2 ap 5 heavy 1, blast.


Icon of Binding: at the beginning of the owner's movement phase the sorcerer may expend a warp charge to power the icon. Each model with the Rubric rule gains It Will Not Die until end of turn.



for the sake of clarity I am thinking of changing the following rules:

Veterans of the Long War: +1 Ld, stubborn

Mark of Tzeentch: +1 to invulnerable, Adamantium Will


So how does this look? Thoughts?

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Almost forgot:


Champion of Chaos: no more forced challenges. Any character with this rule may issue or accept challenges. If the character wins the challenge they may make a roll on the Boon table. If a character with this rule kills another character with a ranged precision shot they may take a leadership test. If successful then the gods were watching and a roll on the Boon table is awarded. If unsuccessful then the gods cared not and no roll on the Boon table.

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