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Iron Warriors of Nurgle...How would you paint?

Brother Clavero

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 I've decided to combine my two favorite chaos themes: Iron Warriors and Nurgle (plague marines). I've never seen this done before and would like some suggestions on how to paint  plague marines that keeps some of their Iron Warrior identity. I don't want to just throw some green wash on Boltgun Metal painted minis! If it was you, how would you accomplish this? 

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I'd go for something really rusty and decaying metal, so steer away from green and towards orange and browns. Maybe pustules and things cracking through the rusted segments, and oozing liquids and the sort. I think that'd look real "nice", or should I say disgusting for nurgle?

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For some inspiration, these are my Iron Warriors Plague Marines:



They are marines that are subject to mutations more often and replace them with bionics instead (though they will neber be able to win this fight). The remnants of their mutations are brewed into deadly poisons that they put on their weapons to give their enemies a similar fate.

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