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Typhus zombie list discussion


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It so happens that I am making a nurgle list using mantic zombies as plaguebears, then I thought "why not get more bang for buck across the board and fully embrace papa nurgle".


1.So, typhus plague zombie lists. How are they doing, how would you rate them competetively?

2.What units would you use? Zombies, typhus, plague marines, bikers, huron, helldrake, Khârn.?

3. Would you take chaos daemon allies?

4. What would you consider good builds for 1000p, 1500p, 1850p?


Cheers, Roman.

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1&2. take drakes and tyfus and zombis . 6 slots of them . they are the worse army out there to play against.On the effectivness side , they are ok , as far as chaos gods, They won't get you friends though.


3. no


4. bad for 1k , zombis can actualy die .same with 2k pts against tau/eldar

optimal for 1500



5 units of 35 zombis


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1&2. take drakes and tyfus and zombis . 6 slots of them . they are the worse army out there to play against.On the effectivness side , they are ok , as far as chaos gods, They won't get you friends though.


3. no


4. bad for 1k , zombis can actualy die .same with 2k pts against tau/eldar

optimal for 1500



5 units of 35 zombis


What would you add if you were to take no helldrakes? Maybe Huron or ahriman to infinltrate some plague marines, or somethinglike oblits?

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If you are dead set on zombies take a look at the servants of decay army in the siege of vraks book. The zombies in there are slightly better but most importantly you don't have to buy typhus.the rest of the army is pretty cool too and y can ally csm as battle brothers
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What would you add if you were to take no helldrakes?

I would not take a zombi list without helldrakes. they are the only good unit for a zombi list.


Maybe Huron or

ahriman to infinltrate some plague marines, or somethinglike oblits?

pms take slots for zombis , so no and zombis don't want to infiltrate . The goal of that list is to use helldrakes to kill support units and to swarm objectives while doing 30 min turns.

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What would you add if you were to take no helldrakes?

I would not take a zombi list without helldrakes. they are the only good unit for a zombi list.

Maybe Huron or

ahriman to infinltrate some plague marines, or somethinglike oblits?

pms take slots for zombis , so no and zombis don't want to infiltrate . The goal of that list is to use helldrakes to kill support units and to swarm objectives while doing 30 min turns.

Fair enough, maybe they are. However is it reasonably to make a more balanced list, with some zombies holding objectives and tarpitting the opponent's, while other units do the fighting, or would you say thats just a waste of Typhus's points?

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A friend and I played a zombie game just this past Halloween. 1250 points.  He had Typhus, 200 zombies and a sorcerer and was over in points but we had 200 zombies and it sounded cool anyway.  I had Adepta Sororitas with flamers everywhere and one Exorcist missile launcher.  We played the "defend the shrine" mission from the new AS codex where half of the Sisters set up in the center of the table and the attackers all around.


The short version of the battle is ... zombies hate flamers and 5+ FNP is not that great.  Against most shooting they do OK since you have cover save + FNP but remove one of those and they drop too fast.

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My friend fields, about 5 units of zombies, 9 mutilations and typhus, ok no ability to take out fliers, and its a real git of an army to beat, and he absolutely loves playing with them, if you want to go competitive and don't want helldrakes, your gonna need some AA and AT, id probably take obits, or maybe predator  or two. But if you really want to go competitive you'll need to field helldrakes.

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However is it reasonably to make a more balanced list, with some

zombies holding objectives and tarpitting the opponent's, while other

units do the fighting, or would you say thats just a waste of Typhus's


It is not. As zombis suck at melee and sending tyfus with zombis[no sgts to take the challange, troops with him die rather fast] is asking for easy slay the warlord for your opponent .


Why they suck ? first of all t3 is bad . str6 removes FnP [and there is a lot of str 6 shoting in 6th] . low ws and few A is bad for melee units , walking to melee is bad ,ah and let us not forget  melee and 6th requires very specific units to be ok to begin with.

no ablity to damge tanks [a rhino is invunerable to a zombi horde and rhinos are hardly the transport to kill nowadays] , they have 0 ability to catch stuff that moves faster . And after all that , your half melee/half camping zombi list still take longer to play , but is less efficient [fewer zombis harder to kill , but you still have to run around 130 of them , so have fewer points for kill units , then a chaos army runing 40 cultists ] , but still take longer turns then a non zombi list.

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However is it reasonably to make a more balanced list, with some

zombies holding objectives and tarpitting the opponent's, while other

units do the fighting, or would you say thats just a waste of Typhus's


It is not. As zombis suck at melee and sending tyfus with zombis[no sgts to take the challange, troops with him die rather fast] is asking for easy slay the warlord for your opponent .


Why they suck ? first of all t3 is bad . str6 removes FnP [and there is a lot of str 6 shoting in 6th] . low ws and few A is bad for melee units , walking to melee is bad ,ah and let us not forget  melee and 6th requires very specific units to be ok to begin with.

no ablity to damge tanks [a rhino is invunerable to a zombi horde and rhinos are hardly the transport to kill nowadays] , they have 0 ability to catch stuff that moves faster . And after all that , your half melee/half camping zombi list still take longer to play , but is less efficient [fewer zombis harder to kill , but you still have to run around 130 of them , so have fewer points for kill units , then a chaos army runing 40 cultists ] , but still take longer turns then a non zombi list.


Bingo. End up just having tar pits and no real hope of success!

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