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Is there more canon on EC and / or Slaanesh post Heresy?


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Are there any key sources of canon on the Emperor's Children and / or their interaction with Slaanesh post Fulgrim and post Heresy Slave Wars?


Or do we just know that EC are now a fractured warband that show up here and there?


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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well when everyone fled to the Eye, they did so as well. while in the Eye they raided planets and other marines for slaves.during this time they attack the Sons of Horus and stole their supply of slaves and the body of Horus so that Fabius can make clones of him. now idk when they and the world eaters fought and turn the world eaters into warbands, but it did happen within the Eye. 

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All we really know is that the Emperor's Children retreated across the universe to the Eye of Terror, where it seems (though it's never bee explicitly stated) that they were temporarily one of the strongest and most coherent legions; preying on the other Traitor Legions for their debased pleasures, eventually organising an assault upon the Sons of Horus in which they removed Horus's body and managed to clone it.


The retaliatory strike by Abbadon the Despoiler and his newly christened Black Legion seems to have diminished their influence and power base somewhat, as did the events upon Skalathrax. Now it seems they are one of the least numerous and coherent legions; consisting of rag tag raiding bands scattered throughout the Eye of Terror and material space, whilst Fulgrim seems to have retreated to some undefined planet deep in the Eye of Terror.


Events during the Pandorax campaign seem to subtly suggest that Fulgrim still holds some degree of sway over his scattered legion and may yet still command the densest concentration of them. Whether this is so remains to be seen.

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Horus Heresy: Massacre has some info. Mainly about the lead up to Fulgrim and how after the attack on Terra the fled to the Eye but attacked world's on the way. These were described as atrocities with world's populace destroyed or taken as slaves. It's said that people would kill themselves at the news the EC were heading to their world so they couldn't be slaves.
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