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is an all death company army a competitive option?


why I ask because im tired of shooting all the time and would like to get into combat and that's what DC allows


obiviously Astorath isn't the best but you have to take him to make DC troops


but beyond this I like the DC idea is more competitive than the all SG army and it should be more fun than

the regular army

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I would have to say no as 6th is all about shooting. Also, DC are not a scoring unit so your objective would be to table your opponent or be tabled.

As above but my son did have full DC list it's fun and down right dirty When it came to objectives games he just killed everything three squads I think it was.

One in a raven with DC Dreadnought

One in a landraider crusader

One foot slogging

Think they were armed to kill different things

As far as I remember it did well, tabled most games 3/4 turns but above all it was FUN

I now use some of his DC models in my flesh tearers

Edit found list


Death company (1495pts)


+ HQ + (220pts)


* Astorath the Grim (220pts)



+ Elites + (105pts)


* Chaplain (105pts)

Melta Bombs (5pts)

* Power Armour




+ Troops + (940pts)


* Death Company (345pts)

10x Bolt Pistol, 6x Chainsword, 11x Death Company Marine (220pts), Infernus Pistol (15pts), 2x Power Fist (50pts), 2x Power Sword (30pts), Thunder Hammer (30pts)



* Death Company (460pts)

11x Bolter, 11x Chainsword, 11x Death Company Marine (220pts), Land Raider Redeemer (240pts)



* Death Company Dreadnought (135pts)

Blood Talons, Replace Storm Bolter with Heavy Flamer (10pts)



+ Heavy Support + (230pts)


* Stormraven Gunship (230pts)

Hurricane Bolter Sponsons (30pts), Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Twin Linked Multi Melta

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Actually,  Astorath is awesome!  His axe is impressive at character slaying.  I've played a lot of pure DC lists, and while they are a ton of fun to play, I find it hard to win games by kill points alone.  I've tied games at least by denying objectives.

That list doesn't look half bad though!  Would be worth a try when I get a LR and SR (fingers crossed for Xmas)
Tournaments in my area are 1750pts so that is what I usually play, I could add a few things to that...  I'm a big fan of the drop pod assault myself...

I go for 30ish DC and 20 have JP's, but that eats up a ton of points.  I like the delivery method in the LR and SR though, it does give them a slight competitive edge.  Your only hope is for the warlord trait that gives Astorath and his unit scoring.

I would leave the Lascannons on the SR though for anti air/mech as well.

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Please people, stop saying that you have to table to win without scoring.... this isn't 5th ed anymore. Taking out his scoring and winning on secondaries perfectly doable in every objective based scenario.


As you can see in your list the problem is how much the upgrades cost. Both in the way of equipment and transports. The straight up 20 pts for a DC isn't bad. I would try to skimp on the toys and get more boys. Rerolls are nice but at 1500 I think the chaplain has to go.

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Please people, stop saying that you have to table to win without scoring.... this isn't 5th ed anymore. Taking out his scoring and winning on secondaries perfectly doable in every objective based scenario.


As you can see in your list the problem is how much the upgrades cost. Both in the way of equipment and transports. The straight up 20 pts for a DC isn't bad. I would try to skimp on the toys and get more boys. Rerolls are nice but at 1500 I think the chaplain has to go.

The list was my sons I might even have a go with it modified with your suggestions :-) have to say the faces pulled by opponents when he re rolled everything on the charge was hilarious the page was worn where he was asked to show them where it said that he could
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Actually, Astorath is awesome! His axe is impressive at character slaying. I've played a lot of pure DC lists, and while they are a ton of fun to play, I find it hard to win games by kill points alone. I've tied games at least by denying objectives.


That list doesn't look half bad though! Would be worth a try when I get a LR and SR (fingers crossed for Xmas)

Tournaments in my area are 1750pts so that is what I usually play, I could add a few things to that... I'm a big fan of the drop pod assault myself...


I go for 30ish DC and 20 have JP's, but that eats up a ton of points. I like the delivery method in the LR and SR though, it does give them a slight competitive edge. Your only hope is for the warlord trait that gives Astorath and his unit scoring.


I would leave the Lascannons on the SR though for anti air/mech as well.


Assault cannon can do this, don't forget blood strikes, and multimelter and 12 shots of bolter fire help. Machine spirit

Use,modify, enlarge, follow K&F advice, most of all have fun Hope father christmas is good to you Funny enough j's SR LR came from him up north ;-)



Just a thought how about two squads of scouts makes it the 50/50 required two in reserve two on the table (that can hide in a building taking pot shots with sniper fire and pinning targets)

A) scoring

b) locator beacon deep strike the LR within 6" of a beacon without scattering and let the nice guys inside out to play the turn after it arrives if the enemy pop it open. Oh well saves opening the doors

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Maybe something along these lines

+++ Death company (1750pts) +++

+++ 1750pt Blood Angels 5th Edition Roster (Spearhead)) +++




Blood Angels 5th Edition (Spearhead) Selections:


+ HQ + (220pts)


* Astorath the Grim (220pts)



+ Elites + (105pts)


* Chaplain (105pts)

Melta Bombs (5pts)

* Power Armour




+ Troops + (1195pts)


* Death Company (300pts)

11x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword, 11x Death Company Marine (220pts), 2x Power Fist (50pts), 2x Power Sword (30pts)



* Death Company (550pts)

15x Bolter, 15x Chainsword, 15x Death Company Marine (300pts), Land Raider Crusader (250pts)



* Death Company Dreadnought (135pts)

Blood Talons, Replace Storm Bolter with Heavy Flamer (10pts)



* Scout Squad (115pts)

4x Sniper Rifle

* 4x Scouts (64pts)

4x Camo Cloaks (12pts)

* Veteran Sergeant (51pts)

Camo Cloak (3pts), Combat Blade, Locator Beacon (25pts), Sniper Rifle



* Scout Squad (95pts)

4x Bolter

* 4x Scouts (64pts)

4x Camo Cloaks (12pts)

* Veteran Sergeant (31pts)

Bolter, Camo Cloak (3pts), Combat Blade, Melta Bombs (5pts)



+ Heavy Support + (230pts)


* Stormraven Gunship (230pts)

Hurricane Bolter Sponsons (30pts), Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Twin Linked Multi melta

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A multi melta for the landraider is a must.

Can the crusader have one?


A divination libby will be more useful for your DC than a chaplain.


Missile launchers for the scouts would also help the Anti tank department

Yes that would be helpfull .

I hope the thread starter is taking all this in lol
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The Primaris Power for divination is all you want. Because it is a blessing, it allows you to reroll all your to hit rolls until the end of next turn. that means, your shooting phase, your assault phase an your opponen'ts assault phase. That's far better than a Chaplain. Anything else you get is gravy. He also provides the unit with a better Deny the Witch and a force weapon to send Pesky Monstrous creatures to an early grave. A simple force axe works well for them.

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The Primaris Power for divination is all you want. Because it is a blessing, it allows you to reroll all your to hit rolls until the end of next turn. that means, your shooting phase, your assault phase an your opponen'ts assault phase. That's far better than a Chaplain. Anything else you get is gravy. He also provides the unit with a better Deny the Witch and a force weapon to send Pesky Monstrous creatures to an early grave. A simple force axe works well for them.

Thanks very much for that

Hmm re roll to hits shooting with all those DC bolters :-) now that could be very cool

Do you mean my hits back in the other players turn?

Does this also work in my over watch?


Sorry to ask so many questions

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Libby with a chain force axe :-)

Fixed that for you.


Yeh I've been on eBay :-) it's looking like force axe and infernus pistol for me


Get a libby, theyre awesome. You can paint them in whatever colours you like, also.

Hmm blue with blach FT shoulder pad dark (gore) red cape I've got some brass etch FT iconagraphy that is fairly small

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+++ Death company (1750pts) +++

+++ 1750pt Blood Angels 5th Edition Roster (Spearhead)) +++




Blood Angels 5th Edition (Spearhead) Selections:


+ HQ + (335pts)


* Astorath the Grim (220pts)



* Librarian (115pts)

* Power Armour (15pts)

Infernus Pistol (15pts)



+ Troops + (1185pts)


* Death Company (360pts)

9x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword, 11x Death Company Marine (220pts), 2x Infernus Pistol (30pts), 2x Power Fist (50pts), 2x Thunder Hammer (60pts)



* Death Company (600pts)

12x Bolter, 12x Chainsword, 14x Death Company Marine (280pts), 2x Infernus Pistol (30pts), Land Raider Crusader (250pts), Power Fist (25pts), Power Sword (15pts)



* Scout Squad (125pts)

Missile Launcher (10pts), 3x Sniper Rifle

* 4x Scouts (64pts)

4x Camo Cloaks (12pts)

* Veteran Sergeant (51pts)

Camo Cloak (3pts), Combat Blade, Locator Beacon (25pts), Sniper Rifle



* Scout Squad (100pts)

3x Bolter, Missile Launcher (10pts)

* 4x Scouts (64pts)

4x Camo Cloaks (12pts)

* Veteran Sergeant (26pts)

Bolter, Camo Cloak (3pts), Combat Blade



+ Heavy Support + (230pts)


* Stormraven Gunship (230pts)

Hurricane Bolter Sponsons (30pts), Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Twin Linked Multi Melta


Libby with bolter guys in the crusader Libby and 2 guys infernus pistols

Astorath with CC guys in the raven Armed to give a tank a bash too with infernus pistols fists and hammers


Scouts camp in a building as close to enemy as they dare drop the crusader and fly the raven on could all go horribly wrong or disgustingly right


OTHER IDEAS? Let's hear them :-)

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due to the extreme costs of our Librarians, plain lv 1 with divination and 99% of the time the primaris power. Certain situations will however make good use of powers 2,3 and 4. Choose to replace wisely.

I go the other way, due to the cost of our librarians I usually use codex powers such as sanguine sword or fear of the dark

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