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New citadel paints:


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So, whats your opinion?


Im actually quite happy with these releases, the blood for the blood god seems indeed very interesting and the same for the bronze rust effect, Im definetly considering aquaring some of these.

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I've only watched the video on the cracked earth one so far, but the quality of the results actually really surprised me! I'd definitely give that a go if I was starting a new project.


If Blood for the Blood God (fantastic name!) is similar quality then I could definitely see myself getting some of that.

Blood for the Blood God is the least interesting to me. Tamiya Clear Red with a dab of Tamiya Clear Blue has been doing that job perfectly for me for years. I don't think Nurgle's Rot would be all that easy to reproduce with Tamiya Clear, but neither do I have any use for it.


I don't expect Corrosion/Rust to be as good as weathering with pigments and oils, but they probably will be much more convenient, so it'll be an interesting option to have for rank and file. Agrellan Earth too - crackle medium has been around forever, but having it available out of the pot will be convenient.


The Oxide looks like the biggest win to me. I've always found it difficult to get a verdigris wash just right, and getting it wrong can ruin an entire paint job. A consistent, guaranteed result straight out of the pot will be good for my nerves if nothing else.


Most importantly, like all GW's new paint range, having these effects easily available will be good for the appearance of everyone's armies, instead of being limited to those of us who like to experiment with every weird product we find in art and hobby shops. GW's hobby products might not always be best in class, but they do have unmatched ability to bring advanced techniques that were once the province of hardcore historical modelers to the gaming masses.

I'll be getting all but the blood and pus. I still have plenty of Tamiya Clear Red...and have no use for pus-paint.


I too am keen to see if the cracked earth one can be painted. Cracked ice?

At least I'd expect we can use some shades to darken it. I wonder if you could get a lava-under-black-rock effect? Might need to do some of the larger cracks yourself as it's drying.

And if it can be painted then I wonder if it might give an interesting effect on Plague Marine armour...

Maybe I'll need that pus too after all.

Well, they have the same price as any other paint bottle from GW so I dont see the big fuzz. I dont mind paying 3 - 3,50 € for citadel paints since the quality is really good and they hardly dry up.

The prices aren't crazy for a one time, casual user. Compare; buying a big pot of Distress crackle paint (about 6€) and some pva glue that will base a whole army with a pot of the new GW cracked earth for 3,5€, and you can see how expensive things start getting. Vallejo's verdigris glaze is 2,80€, GW's new version 3,5€. AK's Slimey grime, double the size, is 4,5€ and Nurgle's rot 3,5€. It all adds up.


So, you pay for convenience but that's life. This is a great release if it helps people. Its GW reinventing the wheel, and as I've said before if people become a little braver with their painting then its a good thing.

Anything that can make awesome features easier for newcomers to the hobby is welcome in my opinion. I have been in the hobby 8 years now and 2 things that have always bugged me were battle-damage and blood-spatter, now at least to blood will be easy to make. And the amount of possibilities with the cracked earth is really interesting, I like what Kierdale said about using it on plague marines I would like to see the result of that.

I wonder how it would look on the edge of old wounds....or as zombie flesh...would have to be applied too thinly?


Just ordered all but the Blood and Pus now.

I can't wait to experiment, anyway.

I cant wait to see some results from those experiments, hopefully you might share your findings?

I just picked up the blood, nihilakn oxide, corrosion and earth ones today. I am just now starting a Minotaurs army and I had been experimenting with mixing some washes and paint to get a good verdigris effect on my marines and I was very happy with what I had, but  I am hoping the oxide stuff will help save me some time or at least enhance what I am gong for.


I wonder how it would look on the edge of old wounds....or as zombie flesh...would have to be applied too thinly?

Just ordered all but the Blood and Pus now.

I can't wait to experiment, anyway.

I cant wait to see some results from those experiments, hopefully you might share your findings?


I'll resurrect my terrain-making thread and put some step-by-step experiments in there :)

I wondering if you can mix the cracked earth with a ink wash or a different color- being able to get cracked asphalt on a base would really elevate 40k armies with urban basing. The verdigris color didn't wow me until I watched the demo video- definitely considering getting some.  Not really impressed by the other technical paints though; I feel like you can get better soot and rust products elsewhere, and I have zero use for blood paint and oozey goo. 

I'll be getting all but the blood and pus. I still have plenty of Tamiya Clear Red...and have no use for pus-paint.


I too am keen to see if the cracked earth one can be painted. Cracked ice?

At least I'd expect we can use some shades to darken it. I wonder if you could get a lava-under-black-rock effect?


Found on the Reddit Warhammer, https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/q81/s720x720/999784_611546145574432_970336114_n.jpg


Based on the link, looks like the lava base was painted using Yriel Yellow, Troll Slayer Orange, and Mephiston Red (maybe? cant quite read it in the link).  The Agrellan Earth was then mixed with some Abaddon Black, and painted over the lava base.  Looks pretty sweet.

I've picked up a couple of these... had planned to get the Ryza's Rust as well, until I saw it was a 'dry' pigment in the WD.  Makes no sense in the way they applied it to the model (the only place rust would appear on the unpainted metal in that Sentinel would be the exhaust...), and that just turned me off.
The Corrosion is excellent for metal on bases and terrain, especially if you have a problem overcomplicating dirty metal areas like I do.

My favorite out of the bunch is the Oxide.  Its watery enough to work correctly, dries flat, and has a high enough pigment content to actually look like verdigris when dried.  Again, this is great for basing and terrain, perhaps even for Chaos stuff- but I will likely use it more in a fantasy model context.

The three great things about this range are: GW aesthetics, availability, and all-in-one package.


Experienced modelers have been doing all these effects for years (though pus and guts is quite rare and almost solely done on Nurgle/undead), but the difference is this series gives it a brighter, more..."illustrated" vibrant, saturated aesthetic a la Warcraft (I don't want to say cartoony because that sounds demeaning) that 'Eavy Metal is known for, you will easily find these in stores even though they cost quite a bit for a small pot, and you don't need to mix products.


The Blood for the Blood God can be used straight up instead of tracking down expensive Tamiya Clear Red and mixing it with your own blend of dark blue or Nuln Oil to get dark blood. The trade-off is that it's a brighter, fresher blood red, and that it's expensive. Same goes for crackle medium. At least this one is pre-colored brown for you, like Citadel texture paints.


I'm sure hobbyists who prefer heavy weathering and more subtle and muted earthen and mud warfare tones or cheaper bulk options will continue to use Secret Weapon, MIG, Forge World, etc weathering powders and hobby effects that they order online but I'm glad GW put out this range as an option.

Used Typhus Corrosion last night, and was very impressed! This is what I've started with:




Looking forward to using the other ones - and getting better at applying it generally!

I've been unable to replicate that lava-base annoyingly. I mixed in some black with the Agrellan but it seems to have completely destroyed it's ability to crack.


I tried washing with a dark colour but that steals the vibrant yellowy undercolour..


Will keep experimenting! Anyone else tried it?


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