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Carcharodons Tactical Squad query


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Hi all,

I'm in the process of assembling a Space Sharks army and am looking to get a consensus on how their chapter tactics apply to tactical squad sergants.

I've always assumed they replace one of their weapons, starting with a bolt pistol and boltgun with what they choose from wargear. However the ability to take an additional cc weapon has made me a little unsure on how they can be kitted out.

How would it work if I wanted to take a combi-bolter, grav pistol, and power weapon? Do I;

A: Pay the xpts to take an additional cc weapon then replace that with one of the three weapons?

B: Simply pay the points for the three weapons and not pay the xpts for the cc weapon. If you read the entry for tactical sergants it simply says may take weapons from the ranged and cc list and doesnt specify a limit nor that any taken replaxe existing wargear. This is silly as you could load him up with fists, claws, pistols and combi-bolters.

C: Pay the xpts for the extra cc weapon but cannot replace it and instead replace the bolter with a combi and bolt pistol with a grav pistol.

I hope this post makes sense. I just want to make sure I make ablegal model. Yes I know its Forgeworld rules but meh. tongue.png

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The wargear list specifies what weapons can be replaced when you take a weapon from each list.


So if you want to go ultra-grit as you've enquired, you will need 3 weapons to replace. This will mean purchasing the CCW.


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So you have a Bolter and Bolt Pistol


You pay the point for the CCW


You can then replace one, two or even all three weapons with alternate weapons from the wargear list.


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As any chaos marine player will know, because our Champions work much the same way (except they have the ultra-grit as standard).

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Thanks, I just checked the war gear section after your post and saw how its worded. I'll likely go combi-grav, bolt pistol, and power sword. Dont want overspend on a 1 wound model.
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