HiddenTemplar Posted November 16, 2013 Share Posted November 16, 2013 My first attempt at a IA chapter I've been dreaming up for a while. I'm new to the B&C so cc obviously welcome, and indeed encouraged.'Victis Honor' The chapter's existence was turbulent from the very beginning. Founded in the year 994.M37 during the 23rd Founding as a response to the growing instability of Segmentum Obscurus, the Order of the Knights Errant was created to help reinstate order amongst the disturbed galactic sector. Although ultimately designed by the High Lords of Terra to act as a crusading chapter, a small feudal world named Hattin was chosen as the chapter's base during its teething period. Chosen for their knowledge of crusader warfare, Gene-seed was picked from the Imperial Fists gene-pool, and a 20-man training cadre chosen to lead the development of the chapter's marines. This arid, sparsely populated planet was deemed ideal for the chapter's development. The indigenous population inhabited primarily the temperate regions that lay at or below sea-level and circumnavigated the planet from East to West, extending North or South according to the planet's water sources. Feudal hierarchies dominated the political system, and warring Kings and Chiefs fought for the planet's limited resources. Hidden from the world, the chapter's Fortress-Monastery, dubbed 'The Krak' was founded deep amid the sprawling mountain range that bedecked the planet's central region, and the constant conflicts provided the perfect exhibition ground for the initial recruitment process - and so was born the Order of the Knights Errant. For more than fifteen yIn the year 011.M38 events began to transpire around Hattin that almost decimated the chapter before its ascension to adulthood. Besides the Imperial Fist mentors, barely 40 marines were deemed operational, and so Anselm looked to the expertise of his Imperial Fist brothers to lead a covert operation into the castle. A crack-squad of 3 Fists veterans, and 7 of the new marines were sent to further investigate the matter, and deal with it as deemed necessary. None returned.At that moment however Ludovic's schemes took shape, and a dark hole appeared on the altar in front, widening until it revealed the warp within. Within seconds a dozen Tzeentchian horrors had spewed forth from the forsaken hole to meet the onrushing knights. Caught off-guard by this new onslaught, a number of marines fell to the demons before retaliating. As the knights, traitors and demons clashed, Ludovic continued his sorcerous incantations, protected from the maelstrom by the combat itself. Previously untried and untested, the knights fought bravely, but faced by the possessed might of the traitors and demons combined, the battle began to swing against them. Bloodied but unbowed, the Order began to rebuild, invigorated by the fervour that emerged following their brush with destruction. Quote Quote"The Order will not rest while the servants of ruin remain. In the blood of the unholy the Martyrs will have their vengeance." - 1st entrance in the Book of Wrath, Brother Anselm, 1st Constable of the Order of the Knights Errant. Following the Arden incident, the chapter underwent some drastic organisational changes. Consequently the Order deploys its knights in crusades of varying sizes throughout the galaxy. Generally no more than 5 crusades are underway at any one time, so as not to stretch the chapter's physical capabilities, yet on rare occasions it has been known for up to 8 crusades to exist at any one time. Crusades are most commonly organised and led by High Councillors of the Order, who are given the title of 'Marshall' for the duration of the crusade. Often the crusade Marshall will pass on combat duties to members of the Chaplaincy, whose fiery oratory is considered a crucial element of the chapter's battlefield conduct. Only in the most dire of circumstances, or for a personal interest will the Order Constable himself lead a crusade. Due to the independent nature of the chapter's crusading fleets, the chapter's exact size is unknown to all but the its High Council. Estimations have ranged from around 500 to even above the Codex figure of 1,000. Throughout the chapter's history the true figure is likely to have fluctuated somewhat, yet is likely to have never even reached the full complement of a regular chapter. The independence with which crusades campaign has led to the chapter's marines being versatile warriors, capable of deploying in a number of different tactical roles. Knights that display extraordinary talent are invited to enter the Order's Inner Circle, equivalent to a chapter's veteran company. Here their talents are enhanced through further training, and they become permanent residents of the Krak, deployed only as the Constable sees fit, although a crusade Marshall may request their support. Traditionally these warriors will accompany the crusade's Champion into battle, ensuring that he is protected as he roams the battlefield in search of the enemies heroes.Even amongst the knights of the Inner Circle, there is one formation that stands apart - the Stewards of the Temple. These warrior priests guard the the Temple of Arden and the holy artifacts interred within. Clad in hooded terminator armour, and wielding ancient weapons of terrifying power, the very presence of the Stewards on the battlefield strikes terror in the Order's foes. Their grim appearance is matched by the chilling silence in which they fight, uttering not a sound as they advance across the battleground, slaying and dying in the same distressing stillness. Their fury however speaks volumes, and is the stuff of legend amongst those who have witnessed it, with whole worlds having been brought to surrender through the might of the Sentinels. Though they are a powerful weapon indeed, not all look upon them positively. During the Thorus rebellion of 151.M41, the Sentinels were deployed to aid the planet's loyalist defense forces. Along with a number of Order knights and elements from the Tallarn Imperial Guard Regiment, the Sentinels assaulted the traitors fortified in the planet's central hive. The commanding officer amongst the Sentinels had been given control of the assault, and had ordered that the planet's Commander in Chief, Colonel Frey, holed up in the hive's Palace, lead his remaining men in a sally-forth as the combined Imperial force advanced. When the command was given to enact this plan, the reply claimed that opposition was too fierce, and that they could not break out of the Palace's confines. Nevertheless the enemy was defeated, but at a greater cost than expected. After the battle's conclusion Frey and his remaining guardsmen emerged from the Palace, bellowing congratulations to the massed Imperial soldiers outside. As Frey advanced towards the relief force jovially, the Sentinels' captain stepped forward and swung his flail at the man's head. The weight of the flail did far more than decapitate Frey, utterly shredding his upper body. Immediately afterwards the knights opened fire on the dumbstruck guardsmen in front, while others held the horrified Tallarn contingent at bay with raised bolters. Those that escaped the firing squad were unceremoniously executed by the Sentinels. After the slaughter was completed, the lead Sentinel addressed the Tallarn detachment. Speaking with a voice like thunder, he rumbled "Let this be a reminder to you, that cowardice belongs to the weak, and that the weak belong in hell". And with that the knights departed, leaving the Tallarn to deal with the aftermath. While some amongst those present agreed with the treatment of the cowards, many more were left aghast. Upon the publishing of reports by the Tallarn commander, there was a widespread outcry demanding that the Sentinels, and indeed the Order be brought justice. Yet the Order refused to punish those involved, instead supporting the action of the Sentinels. Little could be done to force the Order's hand, and it seemed that the High Lords of Terra, and other galactic governing bodies were hardly concerned by the incident, yet the Tallarn and a dozen other Imperial Guard regiments stated their will to never deploy with knights of The Order again. Following Arden, Anselm was keen to spur the chapter's training, and intended to do so with a set of military reforms. His training with the Imperial Fists made him appreciate the importance of the holy bolter, and as such he maintained a healthy focus on ranged combat training. Yet Anselm also recognised that recruits out of Hattin had a natural martial prowess, so increased the role of assault combat in the chapter's tactics. Arden invigorated the Constable's desire for a strong martial understanding, and filled with the fire of vengeance Anselm elevated the chapter's Chaiplancy to hold a greater influence on its marines. Daily sermons and prayer periods were introduced, and the destruction of the Emperor's foes became a ritualistic ideal. All the while the Arden incident was idolised throughout the chapter, intended by Anselm to stand as a reminder of the chapter's sins and the constant need to atone for them. Due to the chapter's early trials, the Order maintain somewhat unorthodox beliefs. As with other Space Marine chapters the Emperor is revered as the All-Father. Yet, to the knights the Martyrs of Arden are held in almost equal measure, as saviours of the chapter. Prayers are conducted to both the Emperor and to the Martyrs, and both are represented equally through statues, tapestries and icons in the chapter's strongholds. The Chaplaincy preaches that knights should look to the Emperor for strength and fortune in battle, and to the Martyrs for forgiveness through honourable battlefield conduct. Traditionally knights are reminded of the Martyrs' sacrifice prior to entering battle, with Chaplains using the event to whip troops into a zealous frenzy. Quote Quote"You fight today for the Emperor, for the Order, and for our honoured fallen. For those who gave their lives to save our chapter. The Martyrs' blood is on our enemies hands, and they must be avenged. Lay judgement on our foes today, and vanquish them for their sins. Judge them with fury and wrath; with fire and sword, and let none be spared!" - Brother Theoderic, Order Reclusiarch, speaking to the Maelstrom Crusade prior to the Ibelin Massacre. Knights of the Order tend to simply roar bloody murder at their opponents as they charge. Shouts of "Emperor", "Arden", "For the Martyrs", "Vengeance" and other references to notables in the chapter's heritage are not unusual, but none have been formalised. The Order does however maintain the motto "Victis Honor" as a formal adage, further in reference to the Martyrs of Arden.There is more that I'd like to add but I'd like to get this out there and start receiving feedback, so that's what I've done. Thanks in advance for your comments. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted November 16, 2013 Share Posted November 16, 2013 Haven't read the whole thing, but you might want to change 'errand' to 'errant.' Though keeping it that way would be hilarious. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3523753 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HiddenTemplar Posted November 16, 2013 Author Share Posted November 16, 2013 Well, the 'errand' is meant to refer to their being consistently committed to particular purposes, crusades. Also, Errant would be rather negative don't you think? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3523770 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted November 16, 2013 Share Posted November 16, 2013 Errand Knights makes them sound like errand boys. Here boy, old Henderson needs her milk. Be quick about it. Errant knights sound like a band of roving, adventurous warriors on a quest of some form or another. Which do you prefer your Chapter to appear like? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3523773 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HiddenTemplar Posted November 16, 2013 Author Share Posted November 16, 2013 Haha, I take your point...except that Errant also means faulty, stray, wayward, and can even be stretched to heretic, which I would be a little concerned about. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3523776 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted November 16, 2013 Share Posted November 16, 2013 More modern definitions. One would assume the archaic one applies in this situation. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3523796 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demus Ragnok Posted November 16, 2013 Share Posted November 16, 2013 I agree with Cormac. Errand, implies a menial servant. There is a Wikipedia page on Knight-Errant, very interesting read. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3523856 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HiddenTemplar Posted November 16, 2013 Author Share Posted November 16, 2013 Well chaps, you have convinced me. Knights Errant was actually on my early list of potential names, so I shall return to that, thank you kindly. Any other thoughts? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3523901 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prefect Apollyon Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Maybe a section on the Gene-Seed? Any specific mutations on top of the standard lack of a Sus-an Membrane and Belcher's Gland that all Imperial Fists have? EDIT: And if you haven't read this yet; http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/132379-guide-to-diying/ Great article for us DIY'ers. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3524713 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HiddenTemplar Posted November 18, 2013 Author Share Posted November 18, 2013 Thanks Apollyon. I wasn't considering any specific mutations to be honest, so felt a gene-seed section was unnecessary. Yeah, I read that article copiously while writing the background. Struggled a bit with the presentation though - does it look like to much of a blocky read? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3525073 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prefect Apollyon Posted November 18, 2013 Share Posted November 18, 2013 On 11/18/2013 at 12:53 PM, HiddenTemplar said: Thanks Apollyon. I wasn't considering any specific mutations to be honest, so felt a gene-seed section was unnecessary. Yeah, I read that article copiously while writing the background. Struggled a bit with the presentation though - does it look like to much of a blocky read? I can read it fine, it's definitely not the worst presented IA I've seen since I joined. Doesn't seem too bulky to me. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3525083 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HiddenTemplar Posted November 18, 2013 Author Share Posted November 18, 2013 Ok cool, that's satisfying to hear :) . Do you happen to know how I can add a text box onto the perimeters rather than just in line with the text? Might be being rather simple here... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3525285 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prefect Apollyon Posted November 18, 2013 Share Posted November 18, 2013 No idea there, sorry :( Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/283403-iaknights-errant-new-details-added-to-organisation/#findComment-3525294 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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