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Irresistable lure to excess

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So I am spreading myself a little thinner, so to speak. Another project to add to the growing ones already on my bench.The overall idea will be that I will have a 40K army to follow up the growing Pre-heresy era Emperor's Children army that I am assembling. I am looking at this endeavor as a full on fluffy army, with the ability to preform well. I think mono-Slaanesh lists are very much viable between upping the initiative, feel no pain, and Blastmasters being bawses. I have found myself delving into the actual modeling aspect of the hobby currently, so the chance to bash up some Daemonettes and Noise Marines is very exciting!!


Instead of posting a list in the list forums, I thought I would post it here. I will also be adding the progress of the modeling, painting, and battle reports of the army as I test it out and make the changes and additions. At this time, I don't have and pictures for you all to gaze upon as I am waiting on several bits to begin the lord. I like to start with my HQ's with new armies. Anyways with no more hesitation, here's the list:


Chaos Lord


-2x Claws


-he joins...


Chaos Terminators (5)

-4x Claws

-2x Combi-Plasma

-Reaper Autocannon

-2x Claws on the Champ

-Mos and IoE


Chaos Sorcerer

-Force Sword


-Mastery Level 3



-he joins...


Chaos Marines (9)

-Plasma Gun

-Mos and IoE

-Power Sword and Combi-Plas on the Champ



Noise Marines (10)

-2x Blastmaster

-2x SonicBlaster

-Doom Siren on the Champ





Havocs (5)

-4x Autocannon



-2x Side Lascannon



So only 2 troops worries me a bit, but I feel as there is a decent amount of units to make priority a tough decision.


At this juncture, any suggestions on the list, or on playing Slaanesh is welcomed and needed!!


End of Line

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A neat list but for that 10 man Noise Marine squad, is it going to be mobile? I really think splitting them in half with one blastmaster a piece would be more devastating for your opponents infantry. Using the frequency that has 48" range and AP3. Just give them a nice perch to hold down and rock out.


I would suggest reading through Bonzi's log on this same sub-forum regarding Making Noise Marines Scream. It is a treasure trove of Slaaneshi-tactic knowledge. 


Hope you get your bits soon, interested in seeing what you cook up!

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A few suggestions that I got from my own list, as well as some of my own:


Don't put Sonic Blasters and Blastmasters together as they want to be shooting at different things.  I honestly fought this again and again but really for the sake of ignores cover, losing 12"s of range if you move it is terrible.  I am very big on Fluff so it was a hard decision for me but what I did was have the Blastmasters in MSUs


same goes with the doom siren - drop it unless you make an assault squad out of them. here's how I'm running the BM at the moment


5x Noise Marines, 1x Blast Master, 4xCCW

          -Champion, no wargear


only reason i take the 4 CCW is in case they end up being charged - the extra attack each at I5 for 4 points is invaluable for a small unit.


If you really want to run Sonic Blasters, you could make a unit with just sonic blasters, but if you want to be fluffy, we have I5 and Fulgrim as a Primarch for a reason, here's what I run for combat units


10x Noise Marines, 9x CCW, Icon of Excess

        -Champion, Doom Siren, Power weapon



Rhino Rush doesnt work anymore in 6th, but it's way better than foot slogging it across the field. also you can doom siren out the firing point (if you drop a NM and take Lucius instead, you can siren out twice!).


If you REALLY REALLY want sonic blasters, they're kinda cool IF you take a sorcerer with mark of Slaanesh, and manage to get the spell that increases sonic weapon strength, you could do this:


9x Noise Marines, 8x Sonic Blaster

       -Champion, Doom Siren, Power Weapon



Chaos Sorcerer

        -Mark of Slaanesh


pop the sorcerer in the rhino with them and hope for the best.  Honestly though I dont think thats a good unit maybe someone can come up with something better?


with the lord instead of two claws a claw/fist combo is really good as they're both specialist weapons you can choose which one to use in each circumstance



I'd be worried about the termies and lord making it into combat, and the havocs and pred when you compare to oblits point for point. maybe a second heldrake at that points level? It can be tough to make a fluffy army - its always been my goal to do so with every army but I still try to play in tourneys where I can.


All that being said - I havent played alot of 6ed, most of my experience is from 5ed pre-GK dex but I have played a little bit with small slaaneshi forces or am re-telling the same or similar advice to what ive been given :)

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