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Nurgle CSM+ Daemons - First Foray into Sculpting


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Hello guys/gals,

I just recently got into the hobby of sculpting/painting. Due to the fact that
I am a long time lurker on this forum, I have seen many incredible CSM armies
(specifically Nurgle), and as a result have recently begun to sculpt my own

However, I have no prior experience with any of these aspects (either painting
or sculpting), and as a result I have created this Plog to document my trials
as a beginner in this hobby. Due to the fact that I am in University and don't
have much time to play/create however, this log will take a long time to
complete, and updates may be infrequent.

Anyways, this is the first green-stuff covered mini I have created. I am trying
to go for a old/heavily infested Nurgle theme, but I am unsure as to how to progress
with a unified army scheme. Any comments are appreciated, and I apologize for
the slightly darkish pictures.


Terminator 1- Front

Terminator 1- Back

Terminator 1-  Fist


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Welcome to a whole new world of the hobby. Your sculpts look very nice, good details. Couple of things that can go a long way in your sculpting. start collecting various tools, picks, scrapes, straws, anything small and pointy can help. The more tools you have the more unique patterns you can make. Also sculpt for the big picture, dont be afraid to let sculpts dry for firm support layers building a look over time can add demension and detail that is near impossible in one go. Finally, wetness is your friend in application and removal...esp with that sticky green stuff :) Look forward to some more corrupted sculpts!!

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Hi Schoolbored and welcome! As oreaper84 says just getting your hands on anything pointy is a real bonus when sculpting, I even use a set of tools for dismantling an iphone. That said, the mini you've done is really very good and looks the part when it comes to Nurgle. Very much wanting to see more!



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  • 2 weeks later...
This is definitely a solid start. There's a few GS tricks, like adding more yellow for softer clay. Some people mix GS with milliput although I haven't tried this yet. Supposedly allows for better detail.
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