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Declaring Vehicle Passengers?


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Played a friendly game yesterday against a really good Space Wolf Player (may have a battle report up later). I pulled out with a resounding victory. We played Emperor's Will, I ended it with 7 points (1 Objective, Line Breaker, First Blood, Slay the Warlord, 1 Heavy Support Kill) to 1. The only question I have is this. When he deployed his Land Raider, I asked him what was inside it. He replied "Space Wolves". I laughed, naturally, then seriously asked him what unit he had inside of it. He stated "I don't have to tell you that. You can see my list, but I don't have to tell you what unit is in what vehicle until they come out". It sounded kinda unfair to me, but I doubted anything in the rulebook would say it or not. He also had 6 Drop Pods full of guys, so I couldn't just tell who was in there.

In the end it didn't matter much, when the Wolf Guard who were inside came out of their wrecked Raider, my Obliterators turned them to a fine Canine Paste.tongue.png tongue.png

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What a douche.


...but, page #121 of the rulebook declares that: "Units can be deployed in Transport vehicles if you wish - simply declare to your opponent which units are embarked where as part of your deployment."


So technically, since he didn't declare where his units were embarked, they weren't embarked anywhere... ;)


Glad you beat his cheating arse! :D

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One of the many rules I wish they would remove from the game but it is there, looking at the quote rule it doesn't look like you have to answer should they ask you later, but you most certainely have to declare it when you deploy it. So at some point he had to have told you.

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taken as RAW, i'd say he'd have to have told you. however, me opponents and i usually write down all of these things when choosing our army lists and scenario so we all have a record of where everything is (ie, which unit is in which transport, who has dedicated transports in their points cost, who's in reserve etc). these are just general things between us as a gaming group though and we love a fun filled game above all else. by the sound of things the SW player was trying to exploit 'little' or often overlooked rules to his advantage. i am pleased to hear that the dark god truly punished him for his grandeur and made excellent pup steaks devil.gif well done on your victory brother, very refreshing to hear of a chaos victory that was a total massacre for the foolish lackeys of the imperium. may dark glory shine upon you in your journey to damnation.

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In an earlier edition (don't remember which), you had to reveal what unit was in open-topped transports, but not what unit was in closed-topped transports (you had to write down who was in what transport though, which could easily be abused by cheating gits).


You opponent has probably been playing for longer than 6:ed, and just didn't notice that the rules for passengers in vehicles have been changed.

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It'd actually be pretty great to be able to plop down transports and have the opponent decide which one is the high value target.  It'd be fun, fluffy, somewhat accurate, and would allow the use of decoys.


It'd also be insanely open to abuse by d-bags, so it will never happen.

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Yeah, I kinda figured that rule was in place, but I didn't feel like arguing over it and really wanted to play so I didn't bother with it. The game was a lot of fun either way. He made the mistake of dropping his Drop Pods clustered together on the wrong side of the board. That left my Juggerlord to rip through Puppy after puppy with his Axe of Blind Fury (gotta love that thing). I may be playing him again this Thursday, and I'll make sure to point that rule out to him


As a side note, he has been playing since like 2nd or 3rd edition, so it's perfectly possible he just didn't know. I don't fault him for it.

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