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Home-made Servitor anyone?


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Hey guys, I've been thinking fielding some plasma servitor these days, but honestly, I hate the GW models. They make me think they will Hodor anytime. No offance but you know what I mean.

Do you guys have any idea that can kit bash cool plasma servitors or painting skills that make them cool?



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I would recommend Empire Flagellants. Add some Aquilas or, better yet, cogs and skulls, give them a pale complexion, perhaps have some (guitar) wire coming out of here and going into there, and Bob's your primarch's brother.

Recently I saw someone paint a kitbashed Servitor with it's face tattooed one side white, the other black. Very good.

Empire Flagellant looks good, just remove their arms, stick cannons on them and add some accessory is decent maybe.

And you do reminded me I have some Chaos Marauders. I can say they are emplyeed to operate cannons, but because they don't get paid for some time, so they refuse to work at 3- when techmarine or inquisitor's not there lol.


BTW I can mod Chaos Warriors into henchmen Crusaders. Just swap their heads and remove icons on shields, with proper paint job they are crusaders!

The Empire Flagellants look a lot like Servitors - which I think he was trying to avoid.



I while back, I saw some Warhammer Ghouls converted into Servitors that looked really cool. They didn't mount any heavy weapons, but I think that they would still work.


Let us know what you come up with.

Maybe the Chaos Cultist plastics? Their Chaos-Star Pendants are very cog-like, with some guitar wire, mech-bits and gun-arms they'd look very servitor-y, plus the fact that most of them are masked stops them from having derpy faces.

You can use pretty much any human base for a servitor as their are plenty of part mech heads in any of the marine kits as long as they aren't obviously too big. Also I think IH players are using necron parts to represent bionics on their marines so that is something else to consider.

A mix of Marauder, Catachan and Zombie bits can work, depending upon your modelling/converting ability.


if it does not have to be GW models, then the Iron Brotherhood models by Micro Art Studios can be useful:




or Bitspudlo:




or Blightwheel:




or have a look through Dave Taylor's blog at his growing Adeptus Mechanicus army and see what he has done with various GW kits:




or watch this space ! (scroll down to see what he is working on and looking to put intoo production):




or maybe some of these could be converted to your needs?:



Thanks for so many great ideas, fellows. I think I'll try Chaos Marauder first, since I already have them, seen more easy to mod, and I have a good replacement for mind lock: "You're paid to kill, not dig trenches with your face!" <---high five if anyone know this!

How can I mod plasma cannon without those backpack? Should I just trim it down or just attach to a guy's back anyway?

Sounds fair. I'll start to mod one maybe next week, so I can finish my kit bashed female inquisitor first.

She was Sister of Avalon, got her hair trimmed, fantasy body details removed, attached with power armor arms and magnetized, so I can swap her wargear.


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