SCOTT_FRANCIS Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 (edited) Dolourus Crusade. Marshall Dolourus' Penitent Crusade. Marshall Dolourus Crusade to cleanse Polaris V met with disaster at the arrival of a Tyranid Splinter Fleet. Returning in disgrace to Eternal Crusader, Marshall Dolourus is preparing for a Penitant Crusade of High Marshal Helbrechts choosing. The stripe represents Marshall Dolourus, the clawed skull represents the Imperial Guard that stood, fought and died with honour on Primaris V, the ring of thorns is the badge of the penitent. Yes it is a great honour to added to a Crusade Shield, but Marshall Dolourus declared the clawed skull added as a mark of respect for the valour and grim determination shown by the I.G. fighting foes that, in the Marshalls eyes, were immeasurably superior (Necrons) and who outnumbered them 100/1 (Tyranids) Gallery Campaign. Edited August 31, 2016 by SCOTT_FRANCIS Marshal_Roujakis, Helias_Tancred and Honda 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Mattias Posted May 7, 2014 Share Posted May 7, 2014 (edited) +++The Renascibilitas Crusade+++ Now recovering from decades as the 'Lost' Crusade, after they vanished into a warp storm pursuing Dark Eldar pirates, this troubled crusade is currently establishing Keeps and recruiting new Neophytes. Originally formed during the Third War for Armageddon, this crusade benefits from the wisdom of an experienced high command but has not yet elected a Marshal to lead them in their regeneration. They have, however, adopted the Phoenix as their new crusade badge, symbolising both their rebirth and the burning wrath they deliver in rapid strikes against their foes. TAGS: Fluff, WIP, Battle Reports, Righteous Zeal, General Abhorrence of Witch-folk. Edited May 8, 2014 by Marshall Mattias BLACK BLŒ FLY 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal_Roujakis Posted May 7, 2014 Share Posted May 7, 2014 Guys please post the links and tags to your Crusade so that people can link it up in case it gets buried in the Halls of our forum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Zaccheus Posted June 19, 2014 Share Posted June 19, 2014 Hurricanes of Fire Crusade Marshal Zaccheus, commander of The Hurricanes of Fire Crusade, is currently embarked upon a campaign to eliminate xenos races, particularly Necron and Dark Eldar forces, located in the southern reach of the galaxy near the Bakka Sector. The Dark Eldar threat, for the most part, has been removed from the system, while the Necron presence continues to remain resilient by constantly awakening reinforcements. Furthermore, only hours ago the crusade received a disturbing transmission warning of a Chaos fleet that is due to arrive in the Bakka Sector. With RIGHTEOUS ZEAL Marshal Zaccheus will rid the sector of the Heretics and Xeno filth, therefore, bringing Honor and Glory to the Emperor of Mankind. The Crusade lives by the motto “Kill Them All” and vows to Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds! Tags: Painting, War Gaming, Tactics Helias_Tancred, SCOTT_FRANCIS, Andhil and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Zaccheus Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 (edited) . Edited July 31, 2014 by Marshal Zaccheus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Godspear Posted September 6, 2014 Share Posted September 6, 2014 (edited) THE GODSPEAR CRUSADE M41.937: Harald Bloodglaive, newly appointed Marshal ploughs the void toward the Caradryad Sector of Segmentum Tempestus with Inquisitor Lord Thaddeus Wraith, an Anomolian Beholder of the Uhulis Conclave, following the vanquishing of the Arch-Heretic Jorgun Salthas. During the heirophant's forty-year reign of terror, three sub-sectors of the Uhulis Sector burn bright against the black velvet of space. As Salthas dies, he predicts the birth of a great hulk from the Storms of Judgement, "the spear of an angry god meant to pierce the heart of the Imperium." M41.942: The Uhulis Crusade, spanning five years, uncovers blood cults and heretical covens within all echelons of Imperial governance in the worlds outlying the Caradryad Sector. Lord Wraith condemns the world Kilan IV before the marshal and his sword brethren. The brothers of the Uhulis Crusade descend upon the hives of Kilan IV upon wings of fire. The heretics there pray to a thing known as Orbos the Resplendent to save them from the angels of death. This thing does not hear them. Within the governorial palaces of the ancient Hive Loðbrok, Marshal Bloodglaive leads a detachment of sword brethren to take the capital spire. Therein, after weeks of combat, the true nature of their quarry shows itself in the form of the Dark Apostle Amon Khôl, and a retinue of his most corrupt traitor marines. In the fury of battle, Amon Khôl summons terrible creatures from the warp and escapes into the crumbling spire. All but Bloodglaive and a young sword brother Ansgar Stalherz survive. The battle for Kilan IV takes three years, ending in a declaration of exterminatus passed upon the planet by Lord Wraith. The Templar, having waded through hive spires honeycombed with heretics stand aboard the bridge of the Battle Barge Will of Sigismund, silently taking in the finality of Lord Wraith's righteous judgement. M41.945: Bloodglaive is interred within the holy bulwark of a dreadnought, following the grievous wounds taken in the battle of Kilan IV and Ansgar Stalherz is inducted into the Marshal's household. The celebration of his anointment is made in battle, as the outlying colonies around Kilan IV erupt in open revolt. In the purging of these colonies, Marshal Stalherz earns the moniker "The Alphyn," after the silver-maned winged lion of his home world, for his prowess in jump pack assault tactics. The Will of Sigismund drives ever closer to the perilous warp storms that compose the Storms of Judgment. M41.973: The death screams of a thousand psykers ripple throughout the warp as their bodies are taken from them and made the puppets of the forces of corruption. Three planets within the Shanoian Reach, Iraad, Khorai, and the mining colony XV-321 fall within days of the psychic eruption. Surviving pict casts from the three worlds reveal legions of cultists and daemons supported by several war bands of traitor marines, the blasphemous prophet Amon Khôl at the fore. Simultaneously, long-range augurs reveal the emergence of a cyclopean space hulk from Hell Quadrant. The Alphyn plots a course through the Storms of Judgment to the location of the hulk as Inquisitor Lord Wraith calls to the nearby Dark Hunters for aid. Dubbing the space hulk Godspear, after the prophecy of the Arch-Heirophant Salthas, Marshal Stalherz receives blessing from the High Marshal to purge the galaxy of the daemon riddled abomination and sets the crusade fleet on course for Hell Quadrant... Well met, brothers! Above is the backstory to my crusade. As models are painted and point thresholds rise, my gaming group and I will be uploading youtube battle reports and fleshing out the storyline as it evolves. Stand by, stay tuned, and may your zeal be righteous! Edited September 8, 2014 by Godspear Marshal Mattias, Helias_Tancred, Honda and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NoPityNoRemorseNoFear Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 +++The Sanctus Crusade+++ ( The crusade was formed from the remains of numerous other completed crusades which had been denied the honor of fighting on armageddon due to their diminished numbers. Each finished crusade provides the expertise from their previous campaigns and adds new elements of warfare with which they are accustomed to, as such these elite warriors of mankind have come together under a new marshal to wage war upon the enemies of mankind. This marshals name: Mortus Helstrom, the aim of this campaign is a simple one: the recovering of sacred artifacts in the name of the emperor and smiting all that oppose him.Tags: Black Templars, Painting, Converting, Crusade, Zeal BLACK BLŒ FLY, Honda and Helias_Tancred 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted January 20, 2016 Share Posted January 20, 2016 (edited) +++The Silent Sword Crusade+++ ( Commanded by veteran of 300 years of service and custodian of the training facilities on Khreak, Marshall Gregor MacLaren leads this Crusade comprised of a highly specialized group of Black Templars. Many of this crusade are "blanks" descended from the lineage of the Sisters of Silence. Discovered during the third war of Armageddon, trained under the unyielding will of Marshall MacLaren, his sword brethren, trusted members of the Inquisition and Ordo Hereticus on the ancient Black Ship "Aegis Deus", they are the bane of all those who fall to the insanity of the warp. It is the sole purpose of this Crusade to find and destroy the most dangerous of rouge psykers and servants of chaos when all others fail. Operating in secret, this fighting company often serves at the will of High Marshall Helbrecht himself as a special strike force. They are currently based from a re-activated Chapter Keep in the Valkyrinae system on the outskirts of the Segmentum Tempestus. When not under order of the High Marshall, the members of the Silent Sword continue the eternal crusade with ZEAL against all who seek to corrupt the light of the Emperor. Tags: Painting, Conversion, Tactics Edited January 21, 2016 by TheOneTrueZon BLACK BLŒ FLY and mytimeprez 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Bernhardt Posted August 19, 2016 Share Posted August 19, 2016 The Caldera Crusade Led by Marshall Bernhardt, The Caldera Crusade is en-route to Hive World Caldera and its nearby planets after alerts of a Daemonic incursion, which has attracted a greater Chaos invasion force. Furthermore there is evidence of Xenos activity in the surrounding systems. However Hive World Caldera is of absolute value, so its defense takes priority over skirmishes with any Xenos that may be found en-route. Am Assault Brigade of Death Korps are weeks out from the system, so it is up to the Black Templars to start pushing the heretics back. Tags: Painting, Conversions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SCOTT_FRANCIS Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 Brother DasPanzerIstUber, I have updated my post to move my crusade into the Penitent era. The Badge, Thread and Gallery have been updated, as have the story. Marshall Dolourus is back from a disastrous Crusade and is to be sent on a Penitent Crusade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castellan Cynebald Posted April 14, 2017 Share Posted April 14, 2017 (edited) The Orphean Penitent Crusade Led by Castellan Cynebald, this crusade has been battling hard against the Necrons during the Orphean Salvation Campaign. Suffering heavy losses and after being ordered to return to the side of the Eternal Crusader aboard their Strike-Cruiser Einhard, this Crusade is on the warpath to reclaim their honour... Tags: WIP, Fluff Link:The Orphean Penitent Crusade Edited April 14, 2017 by Castellan Cynebald Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schlitzaf Posted July 1, 2017 Share Posted July 1, 2017 Dalthus Crusade Led by the Twin Marshalls Geof and Schlitzaf Iuris, originally 200 strong and aided by three Vostroyan Infantry Regiments, the campaign was launched to retake the Calaxis Sector starting with the Subsector of Hazeroth. It met with a tragedy from the start, with the loss of Reclusiarch Marius to the forces of the Bloodied Iron. During the second part of the Dalthus Crusade, the Crusade's Champion Veltico was lost in battle to the Ork Warboss Rafka. The campaign then descended into a two century long war of attrition with the resurgence of Bloodied Iron and Wraagh! Rafka, based out of Stygian Prime. In this era Ordos Hereticus Inquistor Serena and Ordos Xenos Inquistor Tiena both arrived with a contingent of Scions to aid the Templars. Recently the arrival of Primaris Marines, has allowed the Black Templar's to stage a series of counterattacks that crippled the Wraagh! And a recent duel on Dalthus, resulted in Marius being slain in battle, when Marshall Geof was gifted a pair of Dragonic wings. The wings rejuvenated him and enabled him to defeat and slay Marius. Tags; Conversion, Fluff, and Tactics Link: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thecapn226 Posted August 9, 2017 Share Posted August 9, 2017 (edited) The Ventros Crusade Jamil Ventos is a rogue inquisitor responsible for the Cartalu VII massacre. A backwater world, Cartalu VII's population was massacred over the course of two weeks in an attempt by Ventos to gain favor with the Chaos gods. It was by happenstance that Marshall Alderic's ship received a faint distress signal and investigated. After receiving no word from planetary defense forces a small force of 50 crusaders was deployed to the planet surface. The force was decimated, tortured, and sacrificed to the Chaos gods. One initiate was able to escape and send word back to Alderic, before succumbing to his wounds. Alderic immediately moved to engage Ventos' ship. After a brief firefight Ventos was able to escape into the warp without Alderic's forces able to pursue. Alderic then declared that the Ventos Crusade would bring vengeance to this rogue inquisitor. Due to Ventos' willingness to sell many Imperial secrets and his psychic ability for prescience he has evaded the Crusade for several years and never seems to find a lack of soldier be it foul xenos or heretics. Marshall Alderic is closing in though, and vows that he will slay this enemy of the Emperor and show that heresy will never escape justice. tags: wip, paint and play, crusade Link: Edited August 9, 2017 by thecapn226 Marshal_Roujakis and TheOneTrueZon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Margulix Posted March 14, 2018 Share Posted March 14, 2018 Clorix Crusade (currently ended) Insignia: White sheild, right half red, left half black. In M41.955 mass Black Templar force were spotted in Clorix Subsector, purging the Necron Tomb-worlds. The Crusade was let my Marshall Titus, in general they succeeded in destroying 8 Necron Tombs, and countless minor Xenos and Traitor threats in sub-sector. The Crusade ended, when the Chaos forces invaded Cadia, and majority of Clorix Crusade Forces relocated into Cadia. [Redacted] Crusade Insignia: black sheild with white cross After the Fall of Cadia, a big crusade was sended into the Great Rift, to help several loyal worlds. This crusade is patronaged by poweful Gothic Sector Inquisitors, and now all the data about it is strictly kept out of public eye. Tags: reports, hobby, fluff Link: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JadedMask Posted June 1, 2018 Share Posted June 1, 2018 (edited) The Avernus Crusade Link: Description: A crusade using repurposed reliquary ships, originally assigned to the necron threat in the ghoul stars, now acting as the front line against daemonic threats on worlds near the Cicatrix Maledictum. Tags: Conversion, Narrative Edited June 1, 2018 by JadedMask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted June 26, 2018 Share Posted June 26, 2018 The Anara Crusade Link: Description: +] incoming [+ Tags: WIP, Paint & Play, kitbashing, conversions, battle reports, fluff. Sword Brother Adelard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hawklynn Posted August 8, 2018 Share Posted August 8, 2018 The Eisen Speer (Iron Spear) Crusade was launched shortly after the hive world of Cirillo Prime fell to the forces of Chaos and xeno scum. Cirillo Prime's location near the "Temporary Rift Corridor" makes it a vital world in the Imperium's efforts to push back the forces of Chaos and xenos. Led by Marshal Otto II, the crusade is expected to make planet fall soon and begin the reconquest of Cirillo Prime. Imperator Vult! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eberious Posted March 1, 2019 Share Posted March 1, 2019 The Ouroboros Crusade ~ Creation out of Destruction ~ ~ Life out of Death ~ Led By Marshal Reamann, The Ouroboros Crusade was created out of the survivors of the last crusade Reamann was part of where he carried out duties as Castellan. Having lost their Marshal and suffering heavy losses ridding Imperial worlds within the Segmentum Pacificus of Ork warbands that plagued the area they were left badly under strength and returned to their Keep to rebuild. By the command of the high Marshal and Marshal's of other Crusades that know Reamann, he was elevated to Marshal. Reamann and the remaining battle brothers also underwent transformation into Primaris and were re-enforced to full strength. While some of the equipment and war machines are new, this hasn't stopped Reamann teaching these new brothers the Black Templars Doctrines, and the way Templars make war. From that point they have been bringing the light of the Emperor to all those who would turn their back on him, the xenos and any abominations wherever they are found. With the call from Vigilus, the Ouroboros Crusade have joined other Imperial forces in the defence of this pivotal world. Modelling thread coming soon... Marshal Mattias, Honda and +Chaplain Matthias+ 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted April 29, 2019 Share Posted April 29, 2019 Quick question... Is this for pure Templars or are homebrew chapters using the Templar rules allowed? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Mattias Posted April 30, 2019 Share Posted April 30, 2019 As the flagship of the Black Templar fleet, the record halls of the Eternal Crusader are just for the many crusades from throughout the chapter's history. However, please do share more about your BT-based homebrew in our main subforum! Slave to Darkness 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TemplarFanBoi Posted June 8, 2019 Share Posted June 8, 2019 (edited) "Fecundia Extremis" Crusade In 58.M42 three solar decades after the defeat of Hive Fleet Kraken on the Forge World of Fecundia, the Forge world was officially declared cleansed. The Astra Militarum maintain their garrison alongside the native Skitarii. In 70.M42 Tau scouts report sighting of Hive Fleet Kraken, believed to be on route to the Forge World Fecundia once again. Tau send emissaries to warn Lord General Zyvan. The call for aid is sent to all nearby chapters and Imperial Fleets. In 71.M42 High Marshall Helbrecht appoints Marshall Kruger from nearby Lithesh sector Templar fortress monastery to lead the crusade "Fecundia Extremis". Until he can arrive with the battle barge "Eternal Crusader" to lead the crusade himself. In 72.M42 Hive Fleet Kraken advance scouts attempt to make landfall on the Tau plant Dr'th'nyr. In 73.M42 The scout element is believed to have been defeated after furious fighting for six months suffering near 30% casualties. Unknown to the Tau a single genestealer survived planet fall when itsTryanid assault pod was shot out of the sky. Crashing deep into a vast planetary mining system the genestealer thrives deep in the planets crust. In 74.M42 Tyranid forces emerge like a tsunami sweeping across the planet. Using the abandoned cave system as a super highway funneling them directly to every major population center. In 75.M42 Tau forces abandon Dr'th'nyr retreating to Fecundia to assist in its defense. Unbeknownst to the surviving Tau forces a single firewarrior named Shas'la Bork'an Hova'xil was infected by genestealers. Slowly on the way to Fecundia increasing numbers of the Tau force is infected. In 76.M42 Tau forces make landing on Fecundia, Marshall Kruger and the Black Templar captains meet with leader of the Tau survivors Kor'Vre Bor'kan Al'sha. As the Tau ships disembark a wave of genestealers burst out of the hull of a carrier class vessel and overwhelm the unsuspecting Tau survivors as well as Marshall Kruger and the Black Templar captains. Unable to contain the overwhelming numbers on the planets surface. Sword Brother Nero Oberdick of the Lithesh Sector Templar keep, steps up as next in command and orders sections of Fecundia surrounding the Tau landing zones to be evacuated whilst the Templar's of Lithesh try to hold the line in a race against time before the Tryanid threat grows beyond counting. This is the story of Acting Marshal Nero Oberdick This is the story of the Fecundia Extremis Crusade Modelling thread to follow. Tags: Black Templars, Painting, Converting, Crusade, Zeal Edited June 8, 2019 by TemplarFanBoi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asmodai Posted November 5, 2019 Share Posted November 5, 2019 (edited) ++Third Bastion Crusade++ ++The latest Crusade for the Bastion sector of worlds, including 14 Ag-Worlds, and 6 Forge Worlds, and is a large and crucial sector of recruitment for the Black Templars and several Guard units. This sector first came under attack from Orks in M39.3756, from a clan of Speed Freeks led by a gargantuan greenskin, Longtoof. The next threat was the unholy taint of Chaos, in M39.4162, and this time it had taken nearly 50 years to cleanse the sector completely of its insidious influence. This latest Crusade is against Tau of the Tel'an'shui clan, who have started claiming worlds at an astonishing rate. The shield icon is of two colors, white for the purity of the cause, red for the violence it takes to maintain it. Three diagonal bars slash the boss of the shield, one for each Crusade in defense of Bastion. The veterans who were there for the First, or Second Crusades have Crusade badges on their armor, with a new bar being added for each subsequent Bastion Crusade. The newer Initiates have a small Roman numeral "3" denoting that this is their first proper Crusade; they will be granted the Crusade badges at the conclusion of the conflict. Lord Marshall Volkmann Von Schwert, and Emperor's Champion Landen Tykas lead the Crusade, and from the ships assigned to their force (The Fearful Dark, Intrepid, Acris, Dentes, and Scutum) they spearhead the fight against the xenos, protecting this cluster of worlds in the Holy Name of the Emperor.++ Hi all, it's been roughly a 15 year hiatus since I was last painting, modelling, and gaming, but I'm back, and itching to play some Templars! I had bought the models years ago, but am just now getting around to popping them together. I've starting blessing them with paint and Holy Water from Terra, and will get project pics up as I go. Currently, here are the models as they stand: Warlord -Marshall Volkmann von Schwert, converted Lysander model, with some GS slapped upside him, and a bitzy new TH. (May end up using Hellbrecht stats...) -EC Landen Tykas, also converted, with Chaos warrior legs, GS out the wazoo, and other bitz As for the rest, -x5 Sword Brethren, converted standard/icon bearer, otherwise, no other changes -x2 Crusader squads (10 man), with Chaos warrior legs/GS, or with 3rd party robe bodies (nifty...) x5 CC Termies (bit of GS here and there) x10 Shooty Termies x4 Bikes, 3 bolter, 1 with multimelta x1 Vanilla Dred (big GS banner) x2 Rhinos x1 Pred (lascannon tank hunter) x1 LRC (with Templar FW goodness) Let me know what else is a must-have for these days' gameplay (for context, the last battle I played was 4th ed, I think....), or what other units would best mete out the wrath of the Emperor on the xenos scum. I may post a separate thread about updating my tactics and what beardy pleasures the current Ed holds for Templars. Thanks, all. Edited November 5, 2019 by asmodai Marshal Mattias 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rye0006 Posted January 21, 2020 Share Posted January 21, 2020 ++The Domus Crusade++ +The Crusade Badge and Motto+ (I don't have a crusade badge image, sorry. My computer skills are a little lacking) A skeletal arm, bent at the elbow, holding a sword, against a shield diagonally bisected red and white. It symbolises the human dead, that the crusade seek to avenge and protect, defiantly fighting back against the hordes of xenos. "Etiam mors non potest pohibere retributionem." "Even death cannot stop retribution." +The Origins of the Crusade+ Castellan Clayton fought bravely in the crusades taking part in the Third war for Armageddon. When the Crusade Barges scattered across the galaxy, Clayton hungered for more opportunities to purge the stars of ork-kind once and for all. However, his barge received a distress call from a stranded escape vessel. Clayton manoeuvred to collect the flight-vessel on board. A group of refugees spilled forth from the fragile craft, bloody and broken and telling of how their planet had been overrun by a horde of metal skeletons; they were the only survivors from their settlement. Clayton flew off in a righteous fury and demanded a change of course. Directed to the home planet of the refugees, Clayton gave the order for an aerial bombardment. He then led the brethren to the planet surface to drive off the Necron raiders, yet found only a desolated wasteland – all that was left after the horde had awoken and passed through. Moving to the next planet in search of this foul menace they found the exact same thing. Only after a further three planets of doom and desolation did Clayton catch up with the rearguard of the Necron force, crushing them with a righteous zeal, leaving none to warn the main force of the black tide that swept behind them to kill them all. Clayton contacted the main Crusade Barge and spoke personally with High Marshal Helbrecht, informing him of the transpired events, asking permission to right these wrongs and avenge the lives that had been ruthlessly snuffed out. Helbrecht did not hesitate, convinced of Clayton’s passion and swayed by the strength of his vow. The Domus crusade was born with Clayton elevated to be the new crusade’s Marshal. As time has worn on and the Crusade has continued, Clayton has sought to protect and avenge human communities persecuted by Xenos, thus has the Crusade sworn oaths of vengeance beyond just the Necron scourge, but also against Dark Eldar, Black Legion and World Eaters Chaos, hordes of Orks, rogue Knights, and traitorous Guard. The death of innocent human lives shall not go unpunished, one person's death cannot hold back the necessary vengeance - so long as any initiate of the Domus Crusade still draws breath, revenge stands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BayOkuz Posted March 26, 2021 Share Posted March 26, 2021 ++Securing Trans-warp transmissions....++++-Secured-++++++Incoming Long Ranged Telepathic Communication++++Message from Marshall Amlarich - Smyrna Crusade++++"crusade banner will go there soon"++++Attached item detected within transmission++++Sending to databanks++++Transmission end++++No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted January 21, 2022 Share Posted January 21, 2022 (edited) The Heimdel Crusade Part of Guilliman's Indomitus crusade Heimdel prowls the embattled systems of the Cadian Gate in a neverending battle against the hordes of chaos worshippers that emerge from the Eye. Led by Marshal Gheidon and Champion Balian the crusade has been recently bolstered by chaplain Grimaldus. Thread Edited January 21, 2022 by noigrim Marshal Reinhard and Helias_Tancred 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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