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Emperors Children Chaos Army

George Golem

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Howdy folks, here are some pics of an emperors children army I recently finished at Golem Painting studio. Emperors children were one of the first armies I painted (almost 8 years ago which makes me feel well old). These are the first 2 models to whet your appetites





A humble marine and his rhino. STill to come are noise marines, a couple of characters, some warp talons and a mighty hell drake.


Let me know what you think and if you have any questions or criticism feel free to fire away



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Love that purple and the source lighting on the Rhino is really well done. :)


I think the Rhino is in need of either some transfers or some freehanded symbols. It's usually the Legion markings that take the tanks to the next level and really finish them off. ;)


Excellent work though so far.



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OK ladies and gents, as promised I have a couple more
rapturous pics (I love unusual adjectives)

Without further ado, take a look at some noise marines and
chaos marines with their rhinos




Just flicking through my EC album makes me feel mega
nostalgic and with xmas coming up im feeling some shiny new black legion toys
because lets face it; Abaddon was a douche in a good way.

Anyways I hope you like these and as usual shoot any
questions/criticisms my way and I will respond as best I can.

PS the rhinos got free hand in the end… but because im a
tease I will save that till the full army shot



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Its update time again. Brace yourselves because this is a big one.(well... big-ish)

First we have the hell chicken i mean drake.
This one was a little daunting. Theres an aweful lot of trim so it was quite a slog. I think he came out ok though. Before i started this thing I thought it was a hideous model but its grown on me. Its a shame about the tny little chicken feet on the back though... kinda kills it.

Next up we have the army's leaders: a Fulgrim inspired chaos lord and the old chaos sorceror.

I really enjoyed these 2. The lord was a bit of a challenge but with a simple head swap I think i captuerd the fulgrimy look the client was after. The only thing as aloof and pretentious as fulgrim is an elf (and maybe me) but I wasnt willing to chop my head off so the elfs head had to do. Not too much to say about the sorceror really. It has aged fairly well i guess.

Hope you like them... stay tuned for the money shot

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Thanks guys, purple has always been a favourite of mine. And the gold goes so well because it is essentially metallic yellow which is a complimentary colour.(not that anyone askedwhistlingW.gif ) I do generally prefer traditional colours for marines aswell. The homebrew chapters are great but I find it much easier to get inspired when there is a huge fluffy background to read.

Time for the final update on this army... the full army shot(except for the warp talons)

Its almost as inspiring as a white dwarf pirate.gif .
The board is a FW modular one and it was painted by Golem's Gary who I believe is floating around on here somewhere.

Hope you have enjoyed following this. I know I have enjoyed sharing it with you all.

Let me know what you think


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