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How to run BA jump army?


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Hello blood angels.

Considering the jump-pack army style of play. I'm seeing lots of variations in units from sanguinary guard to devestators. My first thought would be:


HQ: librarian, jump pack (5+ save and preffered enemy powers)

ELITES: sanguinary priest, jump pack

TROOPS: 3x10 assault marines, 2 melta guns, melta bomb

                 3x10 assault amrines, 2 flamers, melta bomb


Thats 1460p, and imo the best core. My question is what would you add here to expand to 1500, 1750 and 1850 respectively?


1500: Epistolary upgrade, power fists (if so on what unit?)

1750: I would go for the command squad with 4 plasma and chapter banner

1850: Kinda lost here


Possible units:

Command squad- Gives another priest, allowing to spread out, and adds much needed plasma. Extra attack bubble is cool too.


Devestators- I see these a lot in jump pack armies, why? The play style has no shortage of anti tank, and these are a easy target unless you babysit them with a sanguinary priest. 


Mephiston- Don't really like what he is for the cost.


Another Librarian- Allows to spread out with the 5+ cover. Would you ever add terminator armour+epistolary+storm shield?


Sanguinary Guard- Ordinary marines seem far more cost effective, especially when buffed with Fnp/furious charge/cover. Far more vulnerable to things the list wouldn't worry about too much.


Scouts- I would just pull back depleted assault squads...

Thanks, Roman.


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Epistolary upgrade is not worth it, especially when taking Codex powers (which I feel is correct for a jump list).


The six inch bubble from that one Sanguinary Priest is not going to stretch to six units. Trim this down.


Where is your anti-flyer capability?


Where is/are your distraction unit(s) to keep the advance of your RAS unhindered?


If you use Sanguinary Guard, take Commander Dante to make them troop choices. You really wont need more than one squad and they follow behind your RAS.


An Honour Guard may be of use - especially considering the weapon options - but the points could be better elsewhere. Personally I would avoid a close combat armed Honour Guard.


Instead of another Librarian, consider (and yes, I know this is controversial) a Furioso Librarian with Wings of Sanguinius and Shield of Sanguinius. This frees that extra HQ slot and gives you AV13 to soak up Overwatch fire.


Perhaps purchase some Baal Predators for them to advance behind?

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Epistolary upgrade is not worth it, especially when taking Codex powers (which I feel is correct for a jump list).


The six inch bubble from that one Sanguinary Priest is not going to stretch to six units. Trim this down.

It can, but yes I would like at least one more, this is why I want an honor guard. For the 1500p list, do you think I should drop 2 models (and lose 1 flamer) to add another sanguinary priest?


Where is your anti-flyer capability?

I think I can safely ignore them in this case. Lascannons and baleflamers are'nt a problem (especially considering they will only come in for a few turns) assuming I dont buy any small units like scouts or devs


Where is/are your distraction unit(s) to keep the advance of your RAS unhindered?

I don't think I need distraction units here, everything is tough, redundant and expendable.


If you use Sanguinary Guard, take Commander Dante to make them troop choices. You really wont need more than one squad and they follow behind your RAS.


An Honour Guard may be of use - especially considering the weapon options - but the points could be better elsewhere. Personally I would avoid a close combat armed Honour Guard.

They seem very useful. Plasma, sanguinary and a banner for +1 attack bubble. I can't see a better alternative personally.


Instead of another Librarian, consider (and yes, I know this is controversial) a Furioso Librarian with Wings of Sanguinius and Shield of Sanguinius. This frees that extra HQ slot and gives you AV13 to soak up Overwatch fire.

From 1 unit, and its the only armor in my army then...


Perhaps purchase some Baal Predators for them to advance behind?

Again, don't see the point of diluting my list with armour here. Thanks for your input Jolemai.

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Some tips, and my opinions:
Priests are too expensive unless have multiple units that they can affect at once. The 90pts for a priest with pack and power weapon can easily buy another unit that will have a greater impact on the game (like 2 attack bikes).
If you're going all jump, you need a method so soften up and crack transports - This is why you see devastators in jump armies.
If you wish to go full assault, I'd recommend at least 2x2 multimelta attack bikes.
Librarian - massively increases the damage output of any unit. I'd go with divination, it's just so powerful: Compared to unleash rage: Prescience sees you rerolling 1s 2s and 3s on the to hit roll vs WS4, UR, just the 1s to hit and wound. Prescience also lasts 2 player turns, as opposed to having to recast it. It also works on shooting, so your mm attack bikes can bring the pain as you close in.
3x10 assault marines - the very minimum that I would say you need in a jump list. 2x10 isnt critical mass to cause your opponent problems.
The thing is, that assault marines arent great in combat vs MEQ, and they suck against 2+ saves. This means you really need a hammer unit to wreck face. This is generally either Mephiston, Death Company or Sanguinary guard to taste. If you choose the Mephisotn route, you still need a way to deal with 2+ saves, which could be all the melta you have.
As you can see, you need to free up around 250pts to bring a killy unit to your army. If you swap the jump librarian for Mephiston, then you only need to find another 125pts, which is why he is so good.


Sanguinary Guard- Ordinary marines seem far more cost effective, especially when buffed with Fnp/furious charge/cover. Far more vulnerable to things the list wouldn't worry about too much.
An assault squad is about 200pts. SG are about 200pts. I know who would win in a fight pretty much every single time, and it's not the assault marines.
How I would start the army:
250 Mephiston
210 10 ASM, 2 melta
210 10 asm, 2 melta
100 2 attack bikes, multi meltas
100 2 attack bikes, multi meltas
130 5 devastators, 4ML
You have 500pts  to add fun stuff. I would use the above as a base, then try adding 1x 500pt death company unit, 10 assault marines +250pt DC, 10 ASM+ 5 SG unit etc etc.
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Holy sucrose I didnt realise prescienence works in melee too! Still though wouldnt want to lose the 5+ cover power, and unleash rage is almost as good after all.


You can only cast one of these per player turn, though. I guess you cast shield in the opponents turn and UR in your turn. In all the games using the librarian, I found that I never really needed shield. Remember, cover is free, and already on the table.


Try them both out, see which one suits you more.

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