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Black Templar Commission


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Hey guys. I recently finished a gaming standard Black Templars commission for a client at Golem Painting Studios, thought I'd share some pics with you chaps. Some of the pics came out a bit blurry, so sorry about that.


Crusader Squad



Sword Brethren



Command Squad and Captain. My first attempt at a freehand banner, I think it came out OK.(also, forgot the apothecary in this pic, I'm sure he's off doing something important though)




Terminators and their Land Raider transport




A few Vehicles




Battle scene vs. some Eldar. The Eldar aren't painted by me, they were done by one of the other fantastic chaps at Golem Painting Studio.




Emperor's Champion about to smite a Wraithguard. (blurry pic alert)




Comments and criticism are always welcome.



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Two things: 1) Purity seals. For the most part they appear to lack writing squiggles which makes the models seem incomplete - this is, however, something that I pick up on with a lot of people. 2) Barrels. As far as I can tell, they all need drilling (not that you can now, but it's something to point out). Again, this sort of thing makes the models seem incomplete. 


Barring that, the paintwork is quite crisp and clean. You're certainly a competent painter and the basing is done consistently - it's just those basic details that need sorting out that stops this from being a really good commission. I'm not saying that to put you down, brother, I genuinely want to see you do well with your commissions. However, to do so, I have to be honestly critical. 


I hope this helps.

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The reason for the lack of purity squiggles is that the models were to match some of the clients existing models. Same goes for the barrels. If the models were my own I would have done them. Thanks for the honest criticism though. No point sugar coating things now is there?
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