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Mephiston, how good is he still?


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I am looking for allies for my Dark Angel Army and I am considering BA since they have inherite synergy with my Ravenwing.


Mephiston is a second reason to run the blood angels or at least that used to be the case.


Is he still worth it with all theses low ap weapons around and if so how do I uttilize him correctly?

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He is still very powerful. The key to using him is pick a target at the beginning of the game and try to shield him from things like grave weapons, other low ap weapons aren't as much as a threat because his high toughness makes him all but immune to instant death. Also stick with his default powers, no other combo is as good for him.
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Depends how good at protecting him you are. You probably want an assault transport.


TBH, he can move almost as fast as a transport anyway. His best bet is probably to hide him behind a rhino full of tactical marines. The rhino moves up, meph clears an objective, the tactical marine stake it next turn.


Adding Meph to RW is nasty. Rad grenading monstrous creatures generally brings them to T5, which means Meph can instant death them with S10 Sword of Sanguinius without even needing to use his force weapon.


Does the RW dark shroud give shrouded to everything within a set range? Meph with shrouded would be horrible.

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Is he still worth it with all theses low ap weapons around and if so how do I uttilize him correctly?


Depends on how much eldar you face. Against most armies you pretty much just hide him behind anything, like a rhino or good cover. Eldar are fast enough and have so much nasty shooting that you probably need a storm raven for delivery if he is to make it into combat. 

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Depends of course on the amount of points you play... But Mephiston, a furiioso in pod and a 5 man assault marine unit in a razorback could be a nice ally... furioso gives your opponent an AV13 dreadnought threat round 1, that will see some pressure of Mephiston, and also gives you some extra hitting power in CC... The marines/razorback acting as mephistons shield...


It is 500 pts thought..

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Mephiston is still very good he is an option to use against a lot of my local meta.  Avatar of Khaine ? unless the Avatar has disarming strike Meph will kill him, Wraith Lords/ Wraith Knights? (hide Mep from their "I roll a 6 you die" ID wraith cannons) they all go down to a good forceweapon.  Flying circus from deamons? multiwound models hate him.  Tau Riptides fail one save and they are gone.  Anything with a poor invun and especially a 3+ armour save still does not like him.  I used Meph recently against an Eldar list and he took out the Avatar and a Wraith Lord plus caused untold confusion sending a Wraith Knight running.  Well worth his points I used a Land Raider to shield him.  People still struggle with AV 14 more than ever now.  BA will let you take a scoring troop inside dedicated transport Land raider.  Take the LR, 5 tacticals and have Meph wander insolently along with it. 


If you dont want to commit to the points of the LR then a Razorback with a TL assault cannon and a 5 man assault squad on foot is fine.  The assault cannon is a free if you remove the jump packs off the Assault Squad there is a discount on the dedicated transport equal to the points for the Assault Cannon and twin linked is still a decent option for anti-flyer.


Very barebones is Meph and some scouts with cloaks who may weather the shooting better than 5 tacticals.  Meph is easy enough to hide and he spreads fear to all MC's on multiwounds just keep him away from 3++ models and armour save 2+ models or dedicated melee units.  Thats easy enough with his speed.

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In the list that I want to try out Mephiston hides behind a LRC with 5 Hammernators and Azrael inside with 2 squads of Ravenwing Bikers, 2 attack bikes, a dark shroud and 5 Black Knights lead the way, with the remaining points being spend on a assault marine squad in a Razorback. This list hits VERY hard and can also really shoot. Maybe the termi's are a bit much, but its a start. I can see the list changing over time. The core however is this:


Sammael / Azrael


6 Ravenwing Bikes w/2 MG



6 Ravenwing Bikes w/2 PG



5 Black Knights w/ GL




This totals to either 1132 or 1147 points.


Where I go from there is up for grabs.


As this is a Mephiston thread I would still like to ask how does he kill Riptides and Wraitknights in combat by (hopefully) being strength 10, 6 attacks? And how important is it to have a sanguin priest near him?

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As this is a Mephiston thread I would still like to ask how does he kill Riptides and Wraitknights in combat by (hopefully) being strength 10, 6 attacks? And how important is it to have a sanguin priest near him?

Wraithknights are still 3+ save. Meph is S10, s wounds them on a 2+, then activates his force sword, killing it in one hit.


Riptides are bad, as they have a 2+ save. Meph can easily wind up fighting one of these for a few turns. Avoid.

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Mephiston doesn't really need to worry that much about a riptide. With their low nr of attacks and horrible WS fighting them is a heck of a lot safer than having them shooting at things. 


Getting in combat on your own turn, not activating any powers, is pretty safe. In the following turn you activate rage and sword for some sweet rerolls and S10, after that it's just one failed save on his part and the riptide is gone. Probably a lot quicker than anything without instant death trying to chew through the save and wounds. 

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Don't you want to activate wings every turn to keep up with the LRC that moves 12inch per turn? As 6inch per turn is dreadfully slow. And furthermore is it better to run him next to a LRC with hammernators or in a SR. The first has more firepower as you would have 2 deathstar units that you can send to different targets. Or the SR which can drop him off almost everywhere but has to come out off reserve to do so.
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Because you run almost 0 risk of killing that riptide in your own combat phase without using any powers. You want to kill him in the opponents turn so that he can't shoot at you since the assault phase happens last. 


Hopefully you'll then be free to move and assault again at the start of your own turn.

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Mephi is awesome against anything with a 3+ save, and anything with a 2+ save that can't kill him and isn't eternal warrior. I even killed 3 necron destroyer lords with mindshackle scarabs in a single tournament once ;)


The most important things are:


1. Keep him out of line of sight! He's such a small model that this is very easy if you have the right sort of terrain on your table (honestly, against Tau and Eldar you should have some LOS-blocking stuff anyway, as cover is meaningless against those armies).

2. He's a one-man army against most units in this game. Flank him over the left side while you move your army over the right, and your opponent will have to split his forces to prevent Mephi from slicing through his army. It's not uncommon to get a turn 2 charge thanks to Wings and the rerollable run move, use his large threat range to your advantage.


Putting him in a Stormraven is almost always a stupid idea, the risk that he doesn't arrive soon enough is too great and he does fine on the ground (unless, as mentioned, you don't have LoS-blocking terrain, in which case you should reevaluate your gaming table ;))

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On thursday I will face a GK opponent which fields both mordrek and draigo, should I bring mephi? Or will he parish against them?

Both of those will eat Meph due to 2+ saves, eternal warrior AP2 weapons and such (is the titansword AP2)


The more important question is whether Mthe opponent is using terminator or power armoured troops.


Never send Meph toe to toe with a 2+ save character. Send him to clean up the troops. He will go first even against force halberds, iirc.


Remember, one failed save in combat and you die. Send him tank hunting, he always does well at that!

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