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Pride of the legion 2000pts

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Hi all, this silly heresy thing has been in the back if my mind for over a year now, its about time i did an army! Ive been putting it off for too long.


Me and a good friend are playing the betrayal campaign at the moment and i dont feel right playing with my 40k marines.


Im still unsure in what legion i want to do, Ultramarines, Iron hands, Death guard and Imperial fists are the legions im looking at, in that order but i still cant decide.


Anyway onto the list, ive always loved my terminators, dreadnoughts and landraiders and trying to keep costs and painting time to a minimum this is what ive came up with.


Legion praetor  

cataphractii terminator armour, paragon blade


10 Cataphractii terminators

2 autocannons, 2 chainfists, 8 powerfists


10 Cataphractii terminators

2 plasma blasters, 2 chainfists, 8 powerfists


Spartan assault tank  

armoured ceremite, flare shield


Spartan assault tank  

armoured ceremite, flare shield


Mortis contemptor  

2 autocannons


Mortis contemptor  

2 autocannons


1995 pts


I know its a little bit copy/paste but i like it. Id like to have alternative weapons on one of the contemptors but points are tight.


The other thing im not sure of is the paragon blade on the praetor, most lists ive seen and played against have this combo, yes its good but id like to do somthing a little different.


I cant decide on what terminator armour to have either, i like the tartaros but the invunerable save on the cataphractii is too good to refuse.


What to you think?

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Double Spartans, especially with flare shields and armored ceramite, is going to be a really tough nut to crack.  I'd probably only feel confident doing that with a DCCW, MC, Meltabomb, etc in melee.


With assault vehicle transports, you can probably go ahead and choose cataphractii armor for the invul.  You won't be put out too much by the armor's drawbacks, and with your small number of units on the field you're going to need that extra survivability.  Were I you, I might consider switching the weapons around to give each squad an autocannon and a plasma blaster.  Yes, this is bad for target priority - IE, you want to be shooting the autocannons at a transport and the plasma blasters at TEQ, and mixing means you won't always be shooting at ideal targets.  But what you gain is a little bit of redundancy and independence with your squads.  With so few models on the table, each of those squads is going to likely end up engaging a variety of threats on their own.


You can (and possibly should) drop some of those power fists.  Nothing wrong with their stock power weapons, which could give you some options for striking at initiative with mauls or swords or taking axes for some cheap AP2 hits in melee.  Doing this could pretty quickly get you the points you're looking for to upgrade your Contemptor-Mortis' weapons.  It can also give you a little more opportunity to break up the copy-paste a little, make each unit a little more unique (each guy can have his own preferred weapons/fighting style).  With some of the points from dropping the power fists (all depends on how many you drop), you could also potentially switch all your heavy weapons to reaper autocannons and pick up some combi-plasmas or combi-meltas on several guys for your AP2 punch.  Maybe some combi-flamers for thinning out hordes.


The Paragon Blade on the Praetor is a real no-brainer, being the only AP2 weapon that strikes at initiative.  I think it would be cool if you could take a second close combat weapon on him (Sword and Fist?), but that's sadly not in the options.  Without Eternal Warrior, it's probably best to keep your Praetor simple and cheap - Cataphractii armor and a Paragon blade fits that pretty well.  You may want to look at mixing some grenade harnesses in there, or frag assault launchers on the Spartans, especially if you take my earlier advice for more weapons that strike at initiative.  If everything you have strikes at I1, that's not such a concern.

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  • 1 month later...

Having recently bought the above army i was thinking about the weapons for the terminators, i forget that axes are ap2! I also didnt realise you get 2 combi weapons in the special weapons sets, I'll get my rulebook out and write another list.


i think im gonna (try) magnetize the hands/weapons so they are all interchangable.

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