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objective claiming


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So to start off I found a lgs to play at! Yeah!!! On to smashing all the foulness!


However, in in game aginst filtgy traitorous csm today my opponent claimed that his thousand sons troop blob could claim an objective while locked in combat my righteous honor guard since he had a model within three inches and none of my models were within three inches.


Thoughts? I couldn't find anything in the brb to deny it... but it doesn't sit right...


Also can thousand sons take a mark to get a 4++?

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1Ksons have a 5++ save stock (aura of something..I forgot the name of the item) and because they also have mark of tzeentch by default it gets bumped to 4++


Im not sure myself so someone can correct me but to deny objectives you have to be at least 3'' away from it, so yeah in that scenario youre not denying while his troops are still scoring, again I could be wrong about it..

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This is why tank shocking in the last game turns can be really useful.  If they pass the tank shock, you can still push the unit more then 3 inches off the objective.


Also, since initiative steps are 3 inches, a crafty assault can pull an entire unit off an objective.

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I would have to concur, this is indeed a legitimate tactic.  If he can create a blockage that your bases cannot fit through, and stay within 3" whilst keeping you more than 3" away then he can claim the objective.


As per Greggles if you watch one of my batreps on youtube I used that exact tactic to force a blood angels assault unit to pile in 3 inches which moved him off the objective giving me the victory on the final turn of the game.  In fact even if you know you will lose the combat (you are fearless with a chaplain), this is something that when done right can force all kinds of rage from your opponent, especially if its the sons of Sanguinius...pfft jump troops than can score, ha ha, not this time.


I would say your Chaos opponent utilised a well played tactic.

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Okay thanks, kind of a bummer to because I piled out of a rhino onto one objective near by the turn before he used pile in to get close to that objective and could have gotten in range of both if I had thought about it... Honestly I made a lot of mistakes that game like driving a LRC straight at a unit of terminators with 5 chain fists. As well as forgetting to unload honor guard before shooting the other LRC so getting trapped in my tin can for an extra turn.


Any suggestions to fight 1Ksons spam? he ran 2 squads of 20 with witches, a deamon prince with torrent flamer, and one unit of termies described above.

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