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Psyker battle squad


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Speaking from personal experience, a 10-man psyker squad has come in very handy in some games. I've always used the stock powers, as they're just so fun!

Made some thunderwolf cavalry run away after using Weaken Resolve (made them Ld2 teehee.gif) and killed a few guys. Saved me a turn or two from an assault.

As Argun said: apply PBS to Deathstar and force a check. In such situations they're both tactical and comedy gold :lol: Outside of Deathstar bothering they're less useful, but as a nice trick delay/prevent assault units attacking by forcing them to fall back they definitely have a place.


Squishy though, and I don't think many people have lots of psyker models so maybe that's why we don't see them much?

Demons used to hate IG. What's that? Fateweaver is now Ld 2 and took a wound? Sorry didn't realize he was the entire basis for the list.


I've been on the receiving end of their blast power before, kind of a pain to deal with. Only saving grace was Terminators with 3+ invulns rolled hot that game.

Now this really fuels on my need to have themlaugh.png . I played a game in the weekend against SW and for the first time I tried a Primaris Psyker as an HQ. And he did very well until my opponent blow up my Chimera and my vets and Psyker was forced to go by foot, needless to say it didn't take long before their warlord slaughtered everyone. But because he did so well, thats what got me to think about the Psyker battle squad.

apply PBS to Deathstar and force a check.

This may be a stupid question,but what is a Deathstar? Other than the former home of Darth Vader and the Emperor.

Deathstar is a term usually equated to a high-points, melee-oriented (in my experience anyway) unit. Think Thunderwolf Cavalry with runic armor, TH, Frost Weapons/ect, Nob bikers, GK terminators with Mordrak/Draigo.

These are units that are extremely hard to kill, and will chew you up in a heartbeat.

Tried the Mordrak one, it worked in a few games... but once I lost before turn two even started due to a censored.gif riptide. Killed all but 1 terminator (it wasn't mordrak). Haven't run GK since.

There can be shooting deathstars but it's the idea of a large amount of points put into a single large unit that is very very good at what it does. Draigo with Paladins and Nob Biker Squads with a Biker Warboss are probably two of the most common. While the bikes would be a little less scared of the Psyker Battle Squad (Enough orks and they are fearless) anything else like that without fearless is gonna hate having to fall back because they lose one guy and fail the LD 2 you leave them with.


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