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Trying out Blood Angels, I could use some help!


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After playing Codex: Space Marines for a bit now, I'm in the mood for a change. I've been looking at the Blood Angels codex, and quite a few aspects of it have made me fall in love. However, there are enough differences in the codex that require a bit of a learning curve when coming from Codex Marines.


So Sons of Sanguinius, what am I going to need to know to successfully command Blood Angels? I understand that they favor a much more aggressive approach than Codex Marines do, but I'm curious as to best pull that off.


I apologize if there's a topic already covering this, my searching found nothing. Hopefully this helps any other new blood angel players as well!

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you will want Baal Class Predators and you will want more than just 1. I will hold myself to this and let others who have been far more victorious than us to fill in the extra gaps.

I've seen a lot of people like the assault cannon turret on them, is it generally better than the flamestorm? I know the scout move and being fast help, but not having torrent does require it getting even closer.

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What makes the for the best long range support in our codex? I fight against Dark Eldar rather often, and the night shields make it so melta guns are practically useless. Are regular preds with the autocannon and lascannons our best option for 48" fire?

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Multimelta Attack Bikes - only one shot, cover saves are a problem but if they hit will probably make a mess (and are far more likely to cause an explosion with AP1 which will probably really damage any troops inside).  The bikes are quick so you can actually get in range a lot easier.


Getting in first is the best though, if you can drop pod in melta/plasma before they move you won't be cursing when they pass the cover save, unless they pay the points for flickerfields as well...

An ADL has worked quite well for me too, the 4 TL autocannon shots are pretty good for getting some damage in - all 4 will probably hit, 3+ to glance a venom 4+ everything else with an AV, chances are some hits will get through and DE armour isn't exactly robust being open-topped.


Also remember Descent of Angels means more accurate deepstriking so Assault Squads are still a pretty effective way of getting melta shots on DE vehicles (the second dice isn't often needed anyway).


Finally, play them like they'll probably try and play you - get in with a lot of strength on one part of their force and decimate it - remove the things that'll give you the most pain - BA are usually a pretty manuverable army much like DE so they shouldn't be able to kite you too badly.

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I'd like to thank everyone for helping me out here. I think I need to make a list and try it out for a few games. I'll make sure to use your advice!


Now I have the sudden urge to repaint my miniatures red... dark blue and silver just don't feel too Blood Angel successor-like to me. Such are the woes of falling for a different codex.


Thanks again!

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Do you really "need" them to look like blood angels?  They could just be a detachment of your own marines which have been given the luxuries of falling into the hands of some BA's who've helped gear them up.  Ie, you're only using the codex for rules, not the army - so do you really need to repaint? :)

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Do you really "need" them to look like blood angels? They could just be a detachment of your own marines which have been given the luxuries of falling into the hands of some BA's who've helped gear them up. Ie, you're only using the codex for rules, not the army - so do you really need to repaint? smile.png

... Good point! Works for me!

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