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Conversions from Heresy Era


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Would it be too much to use something like the Cataphractii pattern Terminators in a current era Space Marine army? I was thinking having them as some sort of special Terminator unit, certainly not going to have all Termies running around in that. I'll be making a DIY Chapter with intentionally shrouded/forgotten founding and parent chapter, fairly old, but not one of the missing Legions stricken from record old.

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The thing about Cataphractii armor is it's old. Really, really old. Your chapter might have some handed down from their parent chapter but there's no guarantee at all that they might still work. Also, they don't have the Crux Terminus embedded in them like modern Tactical Dreadnought armor. 


However, it's your hobby and nothing trumps the canon of your army. 

I'd have no problem - all Terminator armour in 40k has the same rules anyway (specialist suits like the GK or special characters aside), but as mentioned above Cataphractii is an especially old pattern. Still, I can see some chapters (like the Consecrators) using it.


The Crux Terminatus is a post-Heresy emblem IIRC, which is why the 30k suits don't have them. Not hard to add them to your 40k Catphractii however.

Can't see any problems with it.  It's your army and you can do what you want with it.

If you are concerned with maintaining consistancy with the established 40k fluff you'd only want a few suits, but maybe they found a cache of them someplace and their techmarines modernized them?

Or if you have an early founding chapter or one of the chapters that kept the legions' names, you could say that they are relics and had to be overhauled quite a few times with inferior newer tech during the last 10 millennia. As a result some of the protection was lost but on the other hand the suits became lighter and more mobile (i.e. 5++, relentless instead of slow and purposeful). Maybe the Techmarines even made inferior copies.


While very unlikely, it is possible to find an uncorrupted STC even in 40k.


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