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back after a long vacation


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Well sometimes life gets in the way...or Afghanistan, but either way, it's been almost five years since I played Warhammer 40k.  I recently decided to give it a try again, and sold my magic collection to fund a few new things.  

I started with nurgle/deathsguard and would like to continue along this path, so I augmented a rather robust army with the new heldrake and got the new codex and rulebook.

     One thing that turned me off in the past was eldar/tau/dark eldar, and the fact that they could shoot all your tanks turn one, force you across the board as a shooting army, fly over you and do the same thing for the last half the game.  Their tanks couldn't be hurt, they out gunned you and you had no options to change this for a very long time, it looks like hull pts negates that, so I'm very happy with this change.

     My idea is to stick to a semi fluffy army that's competitive so games will generally be 1k-2500k and for now I just want to make sure I've got the basics down before I get too in depth on army specifics.  So if you could, just let me know if as a basic idea, I haven't missed certain basic tactics or confused rules.

HQ, Lord on palaquin(sp?), mark of nurgle, power fist, blights, sigil of corruption.  I'm thinking hard to kill, 4 base attacks at str 8, 5 wounds...should be fun and I can now take PMs as troops.

Basic PM unit, 5 man unit, 2 plasma guns(feel no pain makes overheat unimportant and it fits with bolters) so obviously bolters, champ with powder fist.  Two units will be mounted in basic rhinos, the others walking and shooting.  I'm thinking 5 man units maximize numbers of fists and plasmas I get and I can take two wounds before I lose important stuff, perhaps seven is better still though unsure here...

heavy support will be 2 tri las preds with possession.  Move six inches, and light up targets, a unit of PMs near them to shoot up deepstrike units like terminators so they can concentrate on more important targets.

  And my heldrake with the template weapon to ignore it's low BS, haven't played with one yet, but i hear they are quite effective.


Am I missing any basic changes in the book that is hurting me here?  And how effective would a lord on a bike be compared to my current setup?  Thanks in advance hopefully after a few games I'll be able to ask more detailed questions.

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Welcome back to the hobby!


Some solid ideas!



I'd potentially reconsider the fists on every PM squad. They aren't as important now as they can be singled out in a challenge and may never get to fight, especially in  small squad. Plague knives offer some protection from monstrous creatures, but the fist is only really a benefit vs dreadnoughts, who arent in use too much these days.


I'd also maybe bulk the squads up to 6-7 if you have the points. 5 men get you the most plasma guns, but may be easier to kill. try some games out and see whether you prefer additional damage potential or more harder to kill units.

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Ty, I think you may be right.  Game going on after thanksgiving for 1k pts.

I'll be running

2 units of

chaos lord, mark, P. fist, icon of corruption

5xmarines with 2 plasma guns

1xchamp with melta bombs

in stock Rhinos

2 tri las preds with possession

I'm thinking that's two tank busters, two fast moving scoring units with cheap champs that can take challenges, what do you think for a small 1k game, I'm at 998pts.  And it's kinda fluffy with 7 people per unit.

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