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Hey B&C,


My name is Maarten, I'm 32years old and from Antwerp, Belgium and am playing 40k since January 2013.

I have a dark angels army (since the starter box had one and I don't like the chaos models very much)

Besides my Dark Angels (wich I run as a home brew chapter The lost Boys) I also own a lot of Tyranids (non painted and waiting for the new release to see what I'll do with them).


For Christmas I'm getting the stormwing box (2 talons and a raven) wich I can't use for my Angels, so I'm starting a space marine chapter also.


Expect to see some Help needed for army list type of posts.


For the record, I don't play any competition and right now my very very local meta consists of 1 Eldar serpent spam player, 1 space marine ultra marine tactics player (both with about as much experience as me) and one CSM, Necron, Dark Angel, tyranid player (with lots of experience)


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Let me congratulate you on the choice of primary army! ;)


I'm sure you'll find tons of advice both in the DA section and the Lists section. Keep in mind that B&C is an armies of humanity forum, so I'm afraid your Tyranids must remain at home...


For the Lion and the Emperor!

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I'm not even sure if I'm going to do anything with the tyranids or just sell them.  either way they need to be painted up before playing, and since I'm first focusing on DA and Vanilla marines, that won't be for any time soon :)

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! If you fancy developing your DIY chapter further, then feel free to drop by the Liber sometime. Besides that, ask us any questions you might want to have the answer to about the armies of humanity or the hobby and don't forget to take a gander at the forum's rules. Y'know, just in case. ;)

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