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Possessed, talk to me


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They are an 'assault' unit whose advantages consist of S5, a random table and Fearless for when they've lost. They are also inferior when grenades are required.

They are T4/3+ and 26pts a model with no defensive boons besides a 5++.

They are expected to either walk up the field as Infantry, ride a Rhino and wait their turn, or invest a further 230pts into an equally-mediocre delivery.

They are expensive enough that you will get better combat performance simply by taking larger numbers of Chaos Space Marines.


There is nothing to be found here. They have a single role they can accomplish, perform it badly, amid a codex full of melee options and melee-proficient Allies.

If they had Beasts movement, they could work. More attacks and/or WS5 would help. A delivery system would work. Basically anything to distinguish them as solving a unique problem that cannot be solved by Berzerkers, Marines, Spawn or Flesh Hounds.


As it is, there is a reason people skip them.

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The only reason why you would buy a Possesed box is for the conversions opportunities, and...thats probably it.


They are "not so too much bad of kinda-ish" if you play them in a casual game, where each personne involved is more enclined to forget half the rules and just play then anything else.


once they are fielded in a game where both players knows what to do and how to do it, they are just a waste of points..., wich is pretty unfortunate, its one of the Specific units of Chaos, and like the rest they are subpar with things that can do the same, better and for a lower cost.


Raptors are a bit better, simply for the fact that they have acces to a wider aray of weaponry, but they are still frail.


Ironicly you need to use covers to keep them alive and do their jobs, where has Jump infantry you want to jump around and thus avoid Terrains...


it can be a good Counter attack-defensif type unit, to go and intercept units that can come via DS or Outflank to go place a Melta in the rear of your Heavy vehicles.

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Raptors are meh, largely outclassed by bikes in pretty much all the same roles, but at least are somewhat functional, making them miles better than possessed. Warp talons are downright lousy, but even they're better than possessed - as you at least know what you're going to get in terms of offensive ability, and they have the speed to pretend they might even see melee - provided you play on tables choked with line of sight blocking terrain.
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