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Can't build a decent Slaanesh Chaos spawn


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I've been trying to build / paint a decent Slaanesh themed Chaos Spawn but after 4 or so attempts they all just look like generic Chaos Spawns except with pincers and painted purple / pink. The problem might be the body of the Spawn itself; it's just not very 'Slaaneshy'.


I think I may have to go the kit bash / conversion / sculpt route.


Anyone have good examples or ideas of what I can use or what I can do to create a more representative / identifiable Slaanesh Chaos Spawn?


Thanks for the opinions.

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The first thing that comes to mind is unashamedly 'boobs'.

The second is piercings.


GS for the former, jewellery chain links for the latter.


I remember a scene in Jaq Draco/Inquisitor in which he interrogated a Slannesh-worshipped who had many piercings...and a snake coming out of their belly button. That image stuck.


Or you could take ideas from other Slannesh demons: big, wild hair, lolling tongues, hooves...

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Why not try the Vargheists? They look suitably muscled to be made by Slaanesh, and the Crypt Horror arms have bones used to pierce the flesh. Suitably gribbly. With a bit of green stuff, whatever comes to hand out of the bits box and the appropriate bases, I reckon you could make some fine counts-as-spawn.
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Front normal male/female model . Classic greek type . The back side is a mass of tentacles  . There are good non GW models to build the front of the model .


Sloth . Imperial halabarider body fattned up with greenstuff , on a plasticard throne . The throne is made made fleshy with greenstuff too and you make sculpt it so that it looks as if the body is growing in to the throne. . No head . but a U shape "mouth" sculpted in to the torso . It is sewn in .


Wrath. classic spawn body with 3-4 bodies stuck on to it [WFB chaos dudes are best for that] one has a two handed ax and is cuting the spawn body , one dude is trying to rip himself out of the spawn while another one is holding his by the hair and stabing in the back. one dude at the front of the spawn with a scyth[using parts from WFB undead] .


Easy to make and very slanesh .

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Look up Clive Barker monsters and Clive Barker action figures. The one above comes from the Tortured Souls range. More Cenobite stuff but should get you in the mood to create something wonderfully hideous. And don't forget to post what you make too.
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I remember a scene in Jaq Draco/Inquisitor in which he interrogated a Slannesh-worshipped who had many piercings...and a snake coming out of their belly button. That image stuck.


I cant recommend this book enuff, Slaanesh has a lot of facetime...

To me It really set the 'Feel' of 40k, not so much 'Dude thats Grim'... 'Dunno mate, cant see, its too dark' Grimdark, but more golly gee thats messed up...



and as for clive barker...



Two sexy daemonette types at the back












Sorry, couldnt resist :')

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Tyranid bits is undoubtably the best way to go when making a Slaaneshii spawn, along with generous amounts of greenstuff. I've been toying with the idea of ravenor tails, crypt horror arms and torsos, and cold one heads ... not neccesarily as Slaaneshii spawn, just spawn in general for a warband I'm planning based around the denizens of the Eye.

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