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I don't know if anyone is reading this.... I am just to get some of the background on D.A. and Black Legion... but there is a part that is woefully inaccurate and I'm wondering if anyone else has picked up on this greivous error in the book?


Mild Spoiler here.....


There is a part where the forces of -Chaos- are literally raining down on Pandorax using... Drop Pods! 




I don't know if anyone else is reading this on the Chaos forums as there's been very little talk of the novel. I'm also disappointed in the portrayal of Plague Marines, but I realize it's just to advance the story. I guess some plague marines do indeed feel pain. ;)


Anyone else reading this? Do we get some Abaddon action? Is Chaos more than a punching dummy in this one?

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I just finished it a few days ago and was largely disappointed with it. There are a few, rare, moments that I actually found kind of neat but for the most part it was a bit of a tough slog for me to get through.



As for Abaddon, you get a see him only a few times but he never really fights unfortunately. And though in the end the Imperium is "victorious", it's another case of diversionary tactics for the Warmaster to achieve his true, secret, agenda, which is left a little vague.


I have to agree on the plague marines: two Catachans with nothing more than a combat knife managed to kill one rather easily... It should have taken the whole squad shooting into his neck seal and messily sawing his head off, while taking heavy casualties in the process to put it down. I wasn't a fan of Dunn's characterization of space marines in general... Way too talkative and not nearly aloof enough.


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Yeah, many of the novels have csm's coming down in drop pods, storm ravens (or something very similar), all kinds of landing craft. According to our codex, csm's have now way of actually getting from their ships down to the ground.

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Fluff to rules translation was poor, but thats common. Overall, the novel is nowhere near as good a read as the game supplement, and chaos marines in particular are portrayed as all but useless in combat and in general.
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yeah. I  read "Legion of the Damned" not only did the khorne army spend way more time and effort killing each other then they did anything else, a single sm blasted threw dozens of khorne marines pwr armor with a hvy bolter like it was DE armor. If it's like that why was the whole sector terrified  this chaos armada ??

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yeah. I  read "Legion of the Damned" not only did the khorne army spend way more time and effort killing each other then they did anything else, a single sm blasted threw dozens of khorne marines pwr armor with a hvy bolter like it was DE armor. If it's like that why was the whole sector terrified  this chaos armada ??

They are terrified of the armada of Heldrakes.


If csm are portrayed as useless in combat, it seems at least rule to fluff translation was done rather well.

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Specific to the novel... yea this is turning out to be a real grind.


Unremarkable characters.... really stupid Chaos marines. Very light plot. Not much for character development... I'm about halfway through though so there is still hope.

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A lot of BL books have serious problems with there only being one or two characters who are just surrounded by allied Red Shirts that drop like flies (in order to show how hot and heavy the battle is) and enemy mooks to mow through (to show how bad-ass they are).

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Yeah, many of the novels have csm's coming down in drop pods, storm ravens (or something very similar), all kinds of landing craft. According to our codex, csm's have now way of actually getting from their ships down to the ground.


Yea, I agree but it's just something I find amusing and have to point out because I think that if I had to point out my number one pet peeve of the current 'dex, it would be this massive oversight.


As a side note, good to see you poke your head in here chillin... it's good to see the old guard around once in a while. ;)

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Thanks Prot . Yeah I stuck my head in because I heard about a BL supplement . Was hoping it would make the BL and chaos in general better, but from everything I've read, it hasn't. Still might get it for the pic's and fluff and because a such a BL fanboy. Rarely play 40k the last couple of years, and when I have, I've been using nids. Have had a painted , ready to go nid army for 8-10 yrs but never really played it, but the 2nd lame chaos dex in a row made me give them a try. I actually playing a game w my BL this Saturday night tho, going to thro a few things in there I haven't used too much before, see how it works out. Since it been so long since I played chaos and I trying a few new things, I might actually post it in the army review sec, so feel free.

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If jeske does have beans to spill, he won't be able to spill them. Against all reason, I'm pretty hopeful that that BL facebook pic is heralding a Thousand Sons supplement, and while I'm under no illusions that such a supplement would fix the thousand sons unit, or the mark of tzeentch, or see the release of much needed new cult models, I am reasonably hopeful that it might bring us troop sons even in allied contingents, and rubric terminators, and maybe even divination. If it happens, and if that latter bit comes through, than I might be putting together a new allied detachment for my Black Legion, perhaps representing the Sons of the Cyclops.

Or maybe I'm just setting myself up for disappointment. Maybe we wont get a new supplement anytime soon. Or, worsse, maybe we well, but maybe it will fail miserably, worse even then the Black Legion. Who knows. Honestly, building up unreasonable hope and then loudly lamenting our disappointment is practically a chaos tradition at this point, so either way. msn-wink.gif

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Actually, the new pic is much more cleary not a marine, so maybe not sons after all. Looks quite demonic, so still might be something worthwhile for allied use, but if it is a daemon supplement I have to imagine it would have the same problem for us as the existing daemon book. Yeah, you can ally it, but there's little to no synergy or interaction, so once you start dropping a few haos marines for daemons there's no real place to stop, so you end up just running daemons altogether.
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Belakor would be pretty cool for my Black Legion as well, since the BL supplement specifically mentions him working for Abaddon these days.


Plus, it would be an undivided daemon prince for strictly undivided armies that have been without princes since the 6e book's release, albeit one you'd have to ally in.


Shame I don't own the model anymore, and it's currently only available direct order in finecast. Finecast models are terrible enough when you can inspect them on purchase, I'm not at all inclined to buy one sight unseen.

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It may come to that. Unfortunately, I don't have the money for it right now, and if that is a be'lakor supplement, I don't expect all two unpainted metal be'lakors on ebay right now to still be there by the time I do.


I'd probably just ask opponents to let me counts as with my current prince, who is winged, has a big sword, and all that. It's power armored, but whatev, I don't think many will complain.

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