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New GW corrosive paints


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Yeah I used the typhus corrosion it's pretty awesome


Pre corrosion




Post corrosion



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you can wash it drybrush or use it for detailing its pretty much like a glaze

I would argue that you should not use it as either a wash, drybrush or glaze, and you should paint it into the recesses of the model where dirt would build up.


We already have dark washes and glazes and such. Glazes are meant to reinforce colour and blend highlights, whereas you can see with Jaspcats DG, they have changed colour completely.


I would also say that using a wash may have been better in this instance than a thick, textured technical paint.


It all depends entirely on the effect you are going for, though.


Here is a video from GW on how corrosion is meant to be applied, of course you can apply it in other ways too.


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try washing over white undercoat then paint the army colours n top, could look like the corrosion is building up over the paint, then a bit of rust dotted about for when the paint flakes off... ??

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