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Building around jump pack Death Company


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I know this unit has been less than popular recently due to its high cost, but I think that it could still be possible to make this unit work as long as the list is built around them specifically. This topic is to discuss how to build a semi-competitive list (say 1500-2000 for sake of argument) and shine some light on the pros and cons of this icon Blood Angel unit.


I will use this build as a baseline for the discussion, but feel free to provide input from personal experiences: 


8 Death Company marines

- bolt pistols and ccw

- jump packs

- 2 power axes

310 pnts



Mobile hammer unit capable of putting out 40 attacks on the charge at WS5. This is great for dealing with nearly any infantry unit and the hidden axes will help against +2 armor. 



High price; 12 assault marines + sergeant can put out the same amount of attacks for 226 pnts (while at a lower WS and being a fictitious unit). They need to rely on cover to survive long enough to get to cc. Minimal shooting output.


Now here is a list I built around them with units to support the DC:



Librarian                          Goes with assault squad and can provide Prescience buffs to DC from a distance without putting a HQ w/ them

- jump pack

- Divination powers



Furioso Librarian             Able to keep up with jump infantry while providing mobile cover via shield. Also able to soak up overwatch shots

- wings/shield                  and provide some extra cc punch for the DC or assault squad.



Tactical Squad                Primary scoring unit. Also provides some mid range shooting to soften up a target before an assault.

- 10 marines

- plasmagun

- plasma cannon

- combi-plasma

- rhino


Assault Squad                 Escorts the Librarian as well as screens the DC from any unwanted assault that will bog them down.

- 2 meltaguns

- power sword


Death company

- 8 DC mrines

- jump packs

- 2 power axes


Fast Attack

Attack Bike Squad            Pop heavy tanks and land raiders so DC can get at the goodies inside. Also contribute shooting against MCs.

- 3 attack bikes w/ multimeltas


Heavy Support

Predator                           Anti-transport and MC. Can provide some mobile cover and sight blocking as well as a contingent to the libby 

- lascannon sponsons      dread.



- lascannon sponsons 


This list comes down to 1500 pnts and should be able to deal with most unit types with the exception on flyers (I've yet to face one so might not be the best person to comment on them). I think that a hybrid list like this is the best way to support the JP DC as it provides a variety of targets and weapon options without getting too pigeon holed like a DoA list.


While DC with JPs are expensive, a decent sized unit can cause a lot of damage and they can be a great addition to a fas/mobile army as long as they are supported well.

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I'd reconsider the uses of the assault squad, keep them safe. I've found that my death company can usually win combat even when being charged (usually 8 men, 2 fists, lemartes).


WP's advice about Shrike is golden. Add lemartes and put shrike at the front of the unit. LO,S! plasma wounds one at a time onto lemartes until he fails a rosarius save, then put them onto regular DC.

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