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second 1k pts army list


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So, now that I'm back in, there's a league running that starts at 1k pts and runs up to 3k.  I have heard that killing off the opposing army is nice..but not really a game winner these days and that you must actually consider tactics.  My first list was completely illegal as I didn't fully understand the new rules.  I brought in my army, bought the books that day and played, missing that a demon prince with black mace won't let me take plague marines as troops, I won the game, but it was a hollow victory with many mistakes on my part.  

So, here's my new 1k list.

2 units of

chaos lord, mark, P. fist, icon of corruption

5xmarines with 2 plasma guns

1xchamp with melta bombs

in stock Rhinos

2 tri las preds with possession


I'm thinking that's two tank busters, two fast moving scoring units with cheap champs that can take challenges, what do you think for a small 1k game, I'm at 998pts.  And it's kinda fluffy with 7 people per unit.

As pts go up, I plan to add more PM units, my heldrake, another predator, and maybe toss the two lords for a lord on palanquin..unsure still how useful that is compared to more troops and two tough units though.  But, for 1k how's my start?

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From the way I'm reading that, it doesn't appear to have 1 HQ and two Troops, rather the other way round - which wouldn't make it a legal list - I'm guessing that wasn't intentional? Unless you mean two of the same Lord and two of the Troops... just isn't clear!


The balance is skewed generally within the list - it would be more appropriate to drop at least one of the Predators for a solid troop choice, you'll only need a single Lord with minimal gear, AC/Las Predator would be the better choice of the two, and even adding some Cultists for the odd objective grab may also benefit. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

You dont need the second lord.


Possession on the preds makes them worse at what they do (shoot), lose it on both.


I reckon that frees up about 170pts. Drake?



The army is very small for the points. 2 Tri las preds may be overkill, or not depending on who you normally play against.


I'd add more bodies. The PM can look after themselves. Consider:


20 cultists, 10 autoguns (100pts) Lord goes with them, walking upfield.


Or swapping a pred for oblietrators for anti infantry firepower.


Or just stick in the helldrake



Lord, Mark of Nurgle, Fist, Sigil of Corruption

5PM, 2 plasma, champ, bomb

5PM, 2 plasma, champ, bomb




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