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Hell Turkey on Turn One? (Strongholds)


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Came across this on Natfka.http://natfka.blogspot.ca/2013/11/stronghold-assault-something-for.html#more


It's about Strongholds. I was reading the comments and found it funny someone CRYING in the comments section about a Hell Turkey arriving on turn one and crying it's not fair. A rebuttal was made about how fair it was for Tau and marker lights. 


So just curious as to what my fellow Chaos players think, if the rumours are true.

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Meh, starting on turn 1 has the downside. If it's landed anyone in a marine army will fire everything they can at it if they have turn 1, well if they have any sense.


My two Drakes at the moment annoy me, of 2 one always fails to turn up until turn 4, every time in the last 5 games, one game I had the strategic Genius Warlord Trait (re-roll reserve rolls), it still didn't turn up. Yeah bit of a non-sequitur I know but seriously it annoys the hell out of me. 

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Yes, you can assault a flier on a landing pad, and no, ther's about no way to do it turn one. I consider a first turn drake balanced against the cost of the pad and risk of getting it popped before you go if the opponent gets t1. But thats just hypothetical, no actual experience behind it.
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I like having my Drake come in T2 or 3 personally. It helps the psychological game a lot, IMO.

So while I will more likely than not buy the book, using the fort will have to be determined at a later time for me.

And as already pointed out, T1 means everything on the board shooting at it (most likely).


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It does. (1st player turn, not game turn though, if that makes a difference.)


As an ork player, I can think of 2 ways to get a 1st turn charge, but neither is very likely. 1: Stormboyz move 12+D6, then assault 2D6. 2: Boyz in a red trukk move 7, disembark 6, charge 2D6. I'm sure there are other ways for other forces.

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scout +move+max charge from beasts?

Thought scouting specifically prevented first turn charging? Maybe I'm getting confused with infiltrate.

doesn't it only stop charging on turn one , so going second is ok to charges just like infiltrate? hm but then again it would explain why my brain bug never gets tied up turn 1 by my friends khorn dogs .

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I think it would be all about setup, make sure you try and block it if possible, set up far back and leave other targets to tempt them away from giving enough targets to make mistakes (and pray the dice gods are on your side)

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Sure, sure. I don't mean to say it would be bad, either, I'm just not yet convinced that it would be any more broken than the drake already is, particularly given the cost in points and fortification slot to do it. Not that we know the points cost yet, but it's supposedly an upgrade purchased on top of the landing pad to begin with, so not an insignificant cost when combined with the risk of starting the drake on the board and hovering.
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I see it this way . For armies that can't deal with helldrakes , worse thing to happen since 6th ed codex went live . For good lists there is no problems , they are dealing/are immune to helldrakes anyway. having it a turn sooner and puting a landing pad tax on the chaos player is just a bonus.

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Landing pad shields up also gives the drake a 4++. Although the petals may need to be unfurled to allow things to actually land on the pad.


'm sure it wont actually count as a flyer in T1 of the game if you choose to deploy it so.

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m sure it wont actually count as a flyer in T1 of the game if you choose to deploy it so.


What does it count as?



Or must begin the game in hover mode or something. These VTOL birds dont just scream off to max speed from stationary.
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