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After reading; yeah I know, I'm surprised I'm literate also; Deliverance Lost, I've been contemplating Alpha Legion. If you have not read that book, I will not give any spoilers like Corax was once known amongst his men as a phenomenal chef. I think that by making good conversions with all possible useable bits, playing Alpha Legion out of the other various codices would be both fluffy and fun. Please provide your possible input. I recently acquired a complete Dark Vengence set and was considering using all the models except maybe the brute.
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Alpha legion are, in general, a largely unaligned legion, operating in relatively small cells throughout the imperium rather than being bottled up in the eye. They're known for infiltration, fostering cults, and working independently rather than having a clear command structure.


You may want to consider running Imperial Guard allies, or possibly running Imperial Guard as your main army, with Chaos Marine allies. Since Alpha Legion have, on at least one occasion, infiltrated, subverted, and taken over entire space marine chapters from the inside, you may want to consider using loyalist marine models, or even the loyalist marine codex.


Since alpha legion live outside of the eye, they're likely to be less warped and mutated than other chaos marines, though certainly there are some cells that operate out of larger warp storms and are subject to chaos's warping influence. At the time of the heresy, the Alpha legion didn't worship chaos, and avoided dedication to the gods or use of daemons, but in ten millenia outside of Imperial control, operating in disconnected groups, its not unreasonable to run modern Alpha Legion that have fallen to chaos worship, taking on marks and mutations and working to open daemonic incursions as a tool to spread chaos, so it's kind of however you want to do it.


Running a counts-as Huron as your warlord is a popular choice for Alpha Legion, as he's an unaligned character that grants infiltration to d3 of your units when taken as a warlord. The Imperial Armor: Apocalypse (2013) book also has rules for an Alpha Legion character with a combi melta and a +2 strength rending sword. Iirc, he grants any CSM unit he joins counter attack, and if he's your warlord lets you re-roll the dice for choosing deployment zones? Probably not as good as Huron mechanically, but does present an alternative choice to consider, and one that wouldn't involve proxying a character from another subfaction. I don't think he has his own model - if you wanted to run him, I'd mix bits from the dark vengeance lord and the current plastic aspiring champion model. Give the lord the combi-melta backpack from the champion, and use a jewelers saw or sharp knife to cut off and swap the left forearm of both models, giving the lord a combat knife (not that the special character has one, but he certainly doesn't have a plasma pistol).


At least, that's what I'm considering doing for him. Not that I run Alpha Legion, but I'd like to try the character out.

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I was always thinking about AL[my original chaos legion] being the old style undivided . McTrolling chaos gods with "you know

mr Khorn I can blow up the planet in your name , but if you don't help , mrNurgle is interested , so it is not like I want you help or anything". Practical view of a world where gods just are , but non of the whole worshiping thing . Too unefficiant . +the whole modern age imperial sociaty infiltrator .

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