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40k dictionary

False Prophet

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Does anyone know of a 40 dictionary, a fictionary if you will. A comprehensive list of all those weird little words that only exist in the 40k universe, and hopefully their meanings. At this point I have to rely on my memory, which is not a sound resource, and continually searching the net. (I'm too lazy for that.) If anyone knows of one, I'd be appreciative.


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Dictionary.com or merriam-webster.com work for most things, the rest I have just figured out after building up a mental database through reading Codices, Rulebooks, Black Library publishings, various 40k related blogs and online forums and so on.  I do not think there is an "official" collection of terms, however.


Having a fair amount of experiences with different geographies and the indigenous inhabitants and cultures, I've also picked up on coloquialisms that seem to find their way into different 40k writings....depending on the author.


Anything in particular you are having difficulty with?

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Well, barring checking out the wikis the only thing that I can recall off the top of my head that would fit the bill was the old 40k fluff bible (however that little snippet was fan made and had questionable material in it regarding canonicity). 


Perhaps you could make one?

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