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Viability of CC weapons for PCS

Prefect Apollyon

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I have finally taken the plunge and bought the IG Battalion set. Having looked at the Platoon Command Squad I was considering the Power Fist but I'm not sure it'd be worth the points.


So this first Platoon will comprise of Missile spam; Grenade launchers, Missile Launcher platforms, ext. The intention with this Platoon being to camp on any objective in cover and blow up anything that gets close. Would giving the PC a power fist or any equipment be worth it? What would be a good build for this platoon? As a complete noob to the Guard, I need help with this.


Many thanks!

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Power Fists are generally not great for Guard; though the Initiative penalty isn't a big negative for an I3 model and swotting stuff at S6 AP2 is great the reality is you'll be getting punked in challenges or relegated to the shameful back row for the most part. The combat stats aren't great either, so to make it work you need more characters in a squad to soak up challenges so your Fist can bonk some heads.


So blob squads would be good, and Commissars good places for the Fist due to the better stats but overall I generally prefer to spend the points on shooting. Quantity is Guard's main strength which is why Missile Launchers aren't that popular. For a one shot weapon most decide to go the extra mile and take a Lascannon or not bother at all!


I like to keep PCS cheap, as they've too few models to survive with too many upgrades. A Vox and normally a cheaper special weapon or two (usually Grenade Launchers) and that'll do me fine.

in my personal opinion yes. chances are you'll either being going second or at best the same time, so make the punch (no pun intended) worth it. S6 AP2 is better than S3 AP3/2 from a power sword/axe respectively. a power maul would make you S5 but AP4 but would be the same cost as the power weapons without the I penalty (which you'd also suffer from with a power axe). I'd say it also depends on your regular opponent too and what you intend to do with the squad. a PCS is good for orders but also a great counter-attack unit. 

i model my traitor guard PCS to have a power fist on the lieutenant, but then i've also geared them for close assault in the event they need to counter-attack. 

i say a vote for yes, but then i regularly face PA armies and i prefer the buffs it gives them vs the penalties. 


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