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Be'Lakor The Dark Master


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So I bought the "dataslate" for this guy from the Black Library website (not a bad deal, $4 USD) and he seems exceptionally cool. An amped up daemon prince, super expensive (350 points) but useable in both regular 40k and Fantasy. Anybody have thoughts on him? Also, according to the hints dropped by BL, December 25th is going to give us CYPHER!!!!

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Yes there a video posted up on the Games Workshop web site & it comment that there a warrior from the shadow returns, shown what look like a robe statue holding a sword & a Bolt Pistol fire.  So really hope it is Cypher, 





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He's expensive, but utterly brilliant: easily, easily one of the most monstrous special characters in the game. Take a look at his psychic powers: he doesn't need to roll for them, knows every power from one of the more useful disciplines and gains extra warp charge points for the enemy failing morale checks. Take him against armies that suffer with morale problems, and this guy can potentially just keep buffing and buffing, and blasting and blasting until there's nothing left.

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He's expensive, but utterly brilliant: easily, easily one of the most monstrous special characters in the game. Take a look at his psychic powers: he doesn't need to roll for them, knows every power from one of the more useful disciplines and gains extra warp charge points for the enemy failing morale checks. Take him against armies that suffer with morale problems, and this guy can potentially just keep buffing and buffing, and blasting and blasting until there's nothing left.


Allied Guard with Psyker Battle Squad?

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That combo would also work well for dealing with armies that aren't fearless or have ATSKNF. Drop Ld, Shoot, Assault, if they fight back they make Fear check. Laugh as he rips them apart.


Also EW is the single greatest thing I see about him. Was always confused why a Railgun could one shot a DP.

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Some interesting mythos stuff in here too; seems that Be'lakor has been shadowing Abby-dabby-doo-dah-don for quite some time, and either really, really likes him (it seems that Be'lakor has subtly aided some of his most stunning victories) or really, really hates him (it also seems that some of those stunning victories had far ranging negative consequences for the Despoiler). Either is plausible, given that Abby is the 40K equivalent of the Everchosen (Archaon in FB, whom Be'lakor despises), but also that he seems intent on defying the Chaos god's mastery whilst accepting their gifts (in the same way that Be'lakor himself does).


Also, if you happen to run an "Undivided" or undedicated force (particularly anythong redolent of The Sons of Malice), Be'lakor is perfect; a living avatar of Chaos without being beholden to any one of the Powers. You could even create cults of Chaos Space Marines dedicated to Be'lakor in one of his many guises: The Sons of Shadow, The Dark Masters, Servants of the First Power etc etc. Lots of fun stuff here.

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Yes there a video posted up on the Games Workshop web site & it comment that there a warrior from the shadow returns, shown what look like a robe statue holding a sword & a Bolt Pistol fire.  So really hope it is Cypher, 






No way. My vote is for.... DOOOOOOMRIDER!



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While we all would be air guitaring more than Bill and Ted, I doubt Doom Rider-*Ahem* I mean DOOOOOOOOOOM RIIIIIDER!!!!! will be making an appearance this Christmas. The model is out of production (and this is all an excercise to sell models remember) and the model was itself god awful. Still y'know, one could hope for Doom Rider new sculpt, a Daemonic Chaos Lord on a Bike that makes Bikes Troops would be rather nice, okay very fricking nice.



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eh the bitter CSM in me says that Cypher will be a DA/IG exclusive model so that you can "represent" the fallen....and censored.gif: CSM's thats why.

If they do rules for more of the old SC's then I'd expect the red terror to return, his model is still on the site. as for us, I'd LOVE a lost and the damned digital dex, similar to the inq one.

it could also be Namaan, the scout sergeant, he's mentioned in pandorax.

SM's themselves have a plethora of potential characcters to revive. Xavier, Cortez. ok thats all i've got....

yeah Cypher is my bet, you can see the hand holding the gun in the intro and its definitely marine power armour, just not sure of colour

edit: LOVE that doomrider by the way.

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Well if we're wishlisting on what we'd love to see:

Cypher, just because (with rules for him to in every army out there save Dark Angels, for the lulz).

Traitor Guard Detachment (traitor doctrine woo!)

A detachment that curb stomps Eldar and Tau because censored.gif those guys and their cheese.

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Okay so whats the best use of the Dark one? Support role? Have all the Telepathy spells is nice so those Puppet Master and Invisibility powers don't get wasted. Using him with Blobs of Cultists might work, invisibility guaranteed could hurt, Or big units of Spawn (which would be extra useful in ruins as they aren't affected by the terrain but benefit from the cover), Psychic Shriek would be obvious. So I think a rush with bikes or Spawn, Invisibility on those units, Puppet master the best enemy unit to fire on his own (that riptide, Russ or Wraith Knight, or Wave Serpent) glide over the enemy and psychic shriek. If you have a Sorcerer then do Telepathy again and hope for Invisibility or Puppet Master again


Additional: I have to say I find the idea of stripping off a Serpent Shield with Puppet Master then blowing it very attractive.

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Yes, although since he isnt an independent character, hes still forced to accept challenges if another unit doesnt charge in with him. Note that regular csm daemon princes dont have the champion of chaos rule, either. Which is actually a shame, as princes are among the few characters in our army that can reliably win challenges against most enemies.
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You can challenge a Monstrous Creature?... I never knew that. huh.png

Anywho, Be'lakor is an awesome unit, despite being extremely expensive. H

Has to be a character Monstrous Creature, not all of them are. DPs and a few of the Nid ones are.

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No not Monstrous Creatures, Monstrous Creatures (Character) which is what Daemon Princes, Greater Daemons and Riptides are but not Wraith Knights (so they cannot issue or receive challenges)


Riptides are not characters actually. Only the special Farsight one that is an IC is actually a character.

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Looking through Be'lakor's stuff again, he really is much better than I originally thought. Access to all of Telepathy is just stellar and the additional d3 charges if any enemy failed a morale check last turn is icing on the cake. I mean even against Space Marines, he still has terrify. May not negate their immunity to Fear but they still need to make a morale check.

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