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Be'Lakor The Dark Master


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Kind of a side note... this is an interesting thread and I wish I knew more of this Be'lakor dude.

Here ya go:




That's a good chunk of Be'Lakor's fluff, not inclding the new stuff.


My favourite part is his assuming different names, such as possessing the second Everchosen, and raining down from the sky as a comet destroying the city of Mordheim, from where he ruled as the Shadowlord.

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Fulgrim seemed pretty jazzed about the whole evil acid trip unicorn land concept in "Angel Exterminatus".


True, he did learn some secrets of Chaos from the (presumably powerful) daemon that possessed him, but daemons are daemons and if he knew it would see him restricted to the EoT, and cause him to lose his manly bits, he may not have done so...

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Who's to say it's not still the daemon in Fulgrim double bluffing. I really loved the tragedy of Fulgrims possession, and it was ruined by "oh no he isn't!" Anyway's that was a Slaaneshi daemon, not Belakor, but who's to say Be'lakor wasn't the one that came Davin and turned it to a chaos worshipping cult 'just as planned'.


I have a question that seems particularly relevant with the appearance of Revenants. If I have two models with puppet master e.g. belakor and a sorcerer can I cast them both on the same model in one turn? so it fires all it's weapons twice?

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Who's to say it's not still the daemon in Fulgrim double bluffing. I really loved the tragedy of Fulgrims possession, and it was ruined by "oh no he isn't!" 


Same here, but after Angel Exterminatus it's hard to come up with anything that makes any sense other than having Fulgrim large and in charge.


Keeping Fulgrim as a possessed daemon primarch forced to witness the fall of his legion and the decay of the Imperium would have been pretty awesome.  Plus it'd allow way to show the decay of the various primarchs, as they (well, Horus mostly) start off thinking 'oooo, my brother is possessed, I should do something about that... later...' and up not caring at all and even glad for whatever extra the daemon can bring to the table.


Failure of imagination doesn't even begin to do justice to the situation.


Oh, and Feast of Blades is talking about making dataslates take up a detachment slot.  Not sure if that includes those that are just single characters.

They also want to limit the total number of ML's on the board, though that sounds like it'd be a much more case by case basis.

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