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Slaanesh renegade warband

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Skimming through this forum and stumbled upon peoples Call to Chaos bits n bobs, and thought to myself 'I wanna get in on the action', so I started this here doodad to show my passable (just) efforts. 


I chose Slannesh as a break from paintng Plague Marines and Word Bearers, and because I wanted to push my painting style (Im used to dirty and darker looking minis) by painting brighter and 'cleaner' minis.


My Pledged units are...

Chaos Lord

x6 Chaos Marines

x6 Chaos Marines

x3 Bikes (Converted marines riding Steeds)

Keeper of Secrets

x12 Daemonettes Squad of Terminators


To start Ill be doing the Lord, one unit of Marines, Bikers and the Keeper of Secrets. 


Im trying to fit some of the old Realm of Chaos flavour into this army (hence my Steed riding Marines) doing my best with current minis, and using a similar colour scheme to Johan Kolkjaer's 'Children of Lishtaar' (WD 289 Jan 2004) Chaos Marines. 


Atm Im finishing building the Bikers (need arms) and a few other small bits then Ill be undercoating either tonight or tomorrow, my first pic update will be after that. 


I know Im cutting it a bit fine joining the Call to Chaos so late, but if I didnt have to work to a deadline Ill never get anything done, as Im not really a big fan of painting tbh.

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  First up we have the Chaos Lord and one of the Chaos Marine Squads.





Then the counts as Bikes chappies





Finally a lil something I got off Ebay a few months ago (to be stripped or just sprayed over to save time)


Always nice to see some Slaaneshi stuff. :) I'd definitely strip that old Kipper rather than spraying over the top otherwise you run the risk of too many layers of paint potentially ruining the finer details.


As for the Marines, what's your colour scheme? Are you going pink, purple or other? Either way I'm looking forward to seeing some painted models. :)

Like where this is headed. Your bikers ;) really look the part.


So, like Mike was asking. What's your colour thoughts? Being that you're aiming for old classic Slaves to Darkness I'm guessing a riot of pastels. Do you still have the Realm of Chaos books for reference? I do if you need any of the colour pages (well, pics off. No way I'm parting with any part of those baby's).

Base coats down...




Here is a pik of my Slaanesh Dark Apostle nearly finished so you can get a better idea of the colour, Pastels did cross my mind but I wanna use the paints that I have rather than go out and buy more that Ill hardly use, and Ive only ever seen one army painted this way. But I think my Daemons will be goin a bit more retro coloured. msn-wink.gif


I do have the RoC books, but I left them at a friends up in liverpool when I moved down to norfolk, but luckily I have the Pdf's on my computer so that makes the pain of my herpaderp easier to swallow.

Well the inspiration came from this article, but I aint quite nailed it lol. Ahh well, I never claimed to be a good painter. 




Still need to do highlights etc on stuff so it will look a bit more like what its meant to be, and the paint rainge has changed a bit since this article was printed. 

Something unrelated to my thread, found an old WD mag from June 1993 (issue 162) back when it cost £2.25 lol. I thought you oldschool RoC types would appreciate it.DSCF3298.JPG


My mates giving me his old Rogue Trader dread for xmas (theres one in the khorne pik) I think that would look rather spanking in my Slaanesh warband me thinks :D

Yea the dread is tiny! Ill just bulk up the base to make it look taller... 


Anyhoo, didnt get that much done last night, got too engrossed with Unremembered Empire and drank way to much RedBull and got the shakes, so I did what I could...


Daemonettes were another score off Ebay, no wonder they were so cheap, thick layers of paint and mold lines, so I spent ages tidying them up, I decided to run these as a Unit of 11 and a herald (Herald has a whip)...



Keeper of Secrets I just tinkered with, Ive ran outta spray so I didnt bother stripping, just used what was there as a bass coat, need to finish the skin and horns mainly, then lil fiddly bits after. 



Bit more on Chaos Lord. 



Some more on squad, need to highlight and ink, and finish weapons, blacks goin a bit watery so Ill give it a damn good stir later. 



Im gonna do something unrelated to this Call to Chaos, but will fit in with my Warband...




Im gonna build it alongside my Warband but paint it when Ive finished my pledges... (Digs through bits box for, bits, bobs and doodads)

I did have an idea for a War Altar-Daemon Engine, like a defiler with a Marshal Amp instead of a Cannon and an old Noise Marine Shredding some OldSchool Carcass or Slayer, but realised that my notso large mandollie budget wouldnt stretch that far coming up to xmas, so Ill go Retro with the RoC style Altar

just remembered the woman carried round on a palanquin on a Daemon world in Inquisitor (Later changed to Draco), might try something like that but with less Breasts (my greenstuff fu isnt amazing) now I have many ideas (excited squeal) ahem... Think this will be fun.


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