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Iiiiiiits Hemal!


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After an extended hobby absence (somewhat longer than anticipated) I can safely say I'm back and with a vengeance.  Got myself to the GW Masterclass event over the weekend, loved paiting NMM and True MM as well as ork faces and Dark Elf skin, and the results implied I might even be worthy of making the cut at GD, so happy energised and looking to carry on where I left off...


For those of you who are newer members you may not know me, I'm an ex-mod from the Adeptus Astartes section and look forward to reading your posts, for those of you who do, well enough said ;-)


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Hail brother, and welcome back. Good to see old hands making a return - there's a lot of that going on in the past couple of months. Maybe you could swing by the Liber, while you're getting used to B&C as it is now, me and Messor put up some wallpaper not too long ago. :P

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Wow. Blast from the past right there.


Welcome back, Hemal. You probably don't remember me, but I do remember you and your frequent posts in the WIP section. I saw your NMM attempts and I must say that you're doing a fine job :tu:

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